Part 11

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Cecilie was about to crawl off my lap, when she froze. She was looking at someone behind me in shock.
"Maybe I should have stayed in this room with her, huh?" Jake laughed. Cecilie crawled off and pulled the blanket over her head. "How the fuck did you get in here?" I was a bit mad at him for interrupting us. 
"Well.. you weren't picking up your phone so I went and got the extra key." He scratched his neck. "We're doing soundcheck in an hour and then we'll have the day off until the concert starts." He walked back out making a comment about remembering protection on his way out. 

"I have to get ready" i said trying to pull the blanket down a bit so I could see Cecilie's face. She was holding on as tight as she could. 
"Listen, I'm sorry... I'll tell him not to tell the others, okay?" She mumbled something.
"I can't hear you" I said in a sad tone of voice.

She pulled the blanket down a bit
"Yea, please do that..." She said. She was blushing like crazy and it was adorable.
I pulled out my phone right away and sent Jake a text making him promise not to tell the other, since Cecilie was very embarrassed about it. 

"Jake says he understands" I told her. She took off the blanket and sat up.
"Do you wanna go to soundcheck with me?" I asked her and she nodded. She looked so excited.
"Just be prepared, it's super boring..." I said to her. She shrugged "I've never seen soundcheck before."

We got ready and walked out the door. We were the last people to get there and someone had brought sandwiches for everyone.
I took one, but cecilie opted for one of the apples.

"Will that fill you up?" Ashley said raising an eyebrow at her.
"uhm.. I just.. breakfast isn't my thing.. I hate breakfast" Jinxx raised his eyebrow "It's 12.30 PM" Cecilie shrugged and walked past them. 
"Goodmorning" Andy greeted her and gave her a hug. She looked very confused but hugged him back.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked her. She blushed and Andy smirked at me. I shook my head with a stern look on my face. 

We all got in our spots after eating and Cecilie joined me at the drums. Someone had gotten her an extra stool. 
We all tested our instruments and there were no problems. We decided that we were gonna play a song after taking a break.

Cecilie and I stayed at the drums.
"Do you play any instruments?" I asked her.
She shook her head "No, my coordination is way to bad for that" She blushed
"Why are you blushing?" I chuckled.
She looked down playing with the rim of her shirt. "Well.. I sing, but not that good" She smiled up at me.

"Why don't you sing the next song then?" She laughed "No way.. that's not gonna happen!" She said looking me dead in the eye.
Andy walked back on stage "Hey, Andy! Cecilie wants to sing a song!" I said.
Andy laughed "That sounds like a great idea!" Cecilie was shaking her head "No, I can't... I don't know how to..." Andy took her hand and pulled her to mic. He adjusted it to her height and she seemed like she had surrendered.

"which one do you want to sing?" Jinxx asked excitedly.
"hmm... lost it all?" She said. It sounded more like a question than an answer.
"Okay!" Jinxx said setting down his guitar and walking to the piano on the stage.
"Everybody ready?" Ashley asked. Jinxx started playing the intro and When Cecilie started singing she had moved the song up an octave. 

Her voice was absolutely beautiful and everyone was surprised about how much control she had over her voice even when hitting the high notes.
When she ended the song and turned around to walk back to me everyone stood up and was clapping. 
"That was awesome!" I told her an she blushed.
Everyone came over and praised her angelic voice.

"Well... that's it for soundcheck I guess." Jake said after everyone(including himself) was done talking to Cecilie.
"Rest of the day off then?" Ashley asked Everybody nodded.

We all walked to our rooms. There wasn't really much fun in going out before a show.
Cecilie walked over and sat on the bed. 
We talked about what her tasks would be as our merch girl. She would be standing with our tour manager in the beginning so she could learn everything.

She got her headphones from her backpack and plugged them in her phone. 
She pulled the journal up from the bag as well and took a pencil with her back to the bed. 

I was looking at her "Privacy please?" She said shyly. I looked down on my own phone. I could see out of the corner of my eye that she took the key from around her neck and unlocked the journal. She started scribbling. 
"What are you listening to?" I asked her without looking at her. She didn't respond. Her phone was laying between me and her face down on the bed.

I turned it around to look at the screen, but she immediatly slapped my hand away.
"OWW... why would you do that?" I asked her.
"She blushed "It's kind of embarassing really..." She said. 
I grabbed the journal out of her hands and slammed it shot. "If you don't show me your phone I'm gonna open this" She grabbed my arm to pull it and the journal down, but I stood up so she couldn't reach it.

"CC... I'm serious" she said looking really nervous. 
"Whatever it is I won't laugh at you or be mad..." i assured her. She sighed and gave me her phone. The first thing i noticed was her lockscreen picture... It was a picture of me. Not one she had taken tho. It was a picture I had posted on instagram almost a year ago. She was listening to fallen angels. I gave her back the phone "Why am I your background picture?" I smirked at her. 

She looked at her feet. "Well... I didn't think about changing it... you're like... my idol so that's why" She said Still looking down. 

sing your song, Comagirl (finished)Where stories live. Discover now