Part 8

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I walked to the side of her room where the bedrollers were. "Do I just take the suitcase in the corner?" I asked. The arpartment was small enough for her to hear me even though she was in the bathroom.
"Uhhh.. yea, just do that" She said. I think this was the first time she had said something to me, where she didn't sound shy or anxious.

I got the suitcase and started taking the things from the bedrollers and moving it over. First bedroller was pants. They were all black skinny jeans and then she had 2 pairs of yoga pants. Second one was shirts. They were mostly just solid colour shirts. She had 3 BvB shirts - all from concerts she had attended. 
She also had 1 Nirvana shirt, but the rest of the shirts were pretty basic. 
I moved to the roller with hoodies. She had a lot of hoodies. 3 of them were just black zip ups. One was a bourdoux red zip up and the rest were solidcolour pullovers. 

I knew what was gonna be in the next box... it would be her underwear. I was debating wether or not I should ask her if she wanted to do this herself, but I kinda also wanted to see it. I opened up the bedroller and took a deep breath. I started moving the underwear. It was a big mix of different styles. Some had Mickey Mouse faces on them and some were laced. about half of her panties were thongs and most of the bras were solid colour with lace. 

When I had finished moving the underwear she came out of the bathroom.
"Where are your socks?" I asked her, looking up at her from my spot on the floor. 
"they're in the drawer under the TV." She said pointing in that direction. 
I could reach the drawer from where I was sitting so I opened it and started moving the socks a couple of pairs at a time. The socks were all black. She came over to put her toiletries in the suitcase but paused.

I looked at her and her face was completely red. She looked at me and giggled awkwardly then put the toilet bag in the suitcase and then started to move socks as well. Since we were two people it didn't take long before we were done.

She had also packed a backpack containing her computer, computer charger, phone and phone charger. She also put a journal in it. There was a lock on the journal. I wondered what was inside, but pushed the thought away.

We were now in the bus getting her settled in a bunk. Her bunk was the bottom one. She was across from jinxx, I was above her and above me was Ashley.
Jake Was above Jinxx and above him was Andy.

Her bunk was big for her. She wasn't very tall so she could have her bags in one end of her bunk.
We had started driving towards the next venue, which was in Norway.
Cecilie was very tired, but she was still sitting with us in the seating area. Every now and then she would zone out and not pay any attention to the conversation or she would rest her head on the table.  

She suddenly sat up straight and couldn't sit still.
"Weren't you tired?" Ashley raised an eyebrow at her from the other side of the table.
"I think I'm beyond tired now" she said standing up. She walked to her bunk and came back with her computer. I was sitting next to her, so I was watching what she was doing.

She went to her schools website and checked all the boxes to "online course" 
"are you planning to finish school while we're on tour?!" I said shocked.
She looked up at me and blushed "Of course I am - I've gotten this far now, might as well finish it" Jinxx smiled at me and that reminded me of how much fun we had teasing her with how smart she is.

"Nerd" I said smirking at her. She elbowed me in the ribs and when I said "ouch" she looked at me very shocked "OMG CC, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you..." Panic was clear in her voice. 
"Oh come on... Andy said.. as if you could actualy hurt anyone with your size" She pretended to be very offended and stood up. Andy stood up in front of her.

It was kind of adorable how small she was.
The day passed with fooling around while we were driving to Norway. 
When we were finally at the venue we all left the bus. We had rooms assigned to us at the venue.

Andy and Jinxx were supossed to sleep in one room, Ashley and I in another and Jake and Inna in the last one, but since Cecilie had now taken Inna's spot as the merch girl she was supossed to share a room with Jake. When our manager told her that she just looked at Jake fake smiling, but everyone could tell by her eyes that she really did not want to. 

"Hey, you guys shared a room last night!" Jake said looking at me "Why don't you just take my spot and I share the room with ashley?" He sounded perfectly find with the idea of switching with me.
I looked at Cecilie who looked back at me nervously while nodding.
"Yea, let's do that" I said to Jake. The tour manager did some scribbling on his paper and we all walked towards our rooms.

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