Part 5

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I smiled back and then she turned around to face Andy who looked confused. I could hear that she was talking, but I couldn't tell what she was saying. Andy was nodding and looked at me every now and again smiling. She was probably telling them that I had teased her for being smart.

Jinxx and I walked over to join them at the other sitting area and Andy turned off the TV.
Jinxx sat beside Andy and I sat beside Jinxx, this way I could look at Cecilie easier.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. I could tell Ashley was looking me straight in the eye and when I looked at him he put his arm around her. I looked back at her to see her reaction. Her eyes had widened and she was looking at me in shock. Her back was stiff and I was kinda happy to see that she wasn't leaning into Ashley.

Cecilie's POV

Ashley had just put his arm around me and I didn't know what to do. It was making me super uncomfortable as I barely knew the guy, but I didn't want to be rude. I knew that a lot of the girls around the world would kill to have Ashley's arm around them, and I would definitely admit that I had also dreamt of this.

It wasn't as nice as I would have imagined tho. I looked at CC who was looking concerned, maybe he knew how I was feeling. I tried to relax, but i just couldn't. 
"Excuse me" I said standing up. CC was now looking even more concerned and Ashley looked confused. 
"Has anyone seen my phone? I need it so I can text my mom telling her that I'm safe" this was the best excuse I could come up with for standing up.

"I think you left it in you jacket" CC said "It's in the small wardrobe downstairs" He stood up.
I started walking downstairs, CC was following behind me "Are you okay?" you looked horrified up there" He said.

"Yes. I'm fine" I said not looking him in the eye cause I knew I was a bad liar. He put a hand on my shoulder.

"okay.. You jacket is over there" I could tell he didn't believe me. I walked where he had pointed and got my jacket.
He walked to the drivers cabin "How long till we're there?" he asked.

"15 minutes" I heard the driver respond. I Was super anxious to show them my apartment.
CC and I walked back up to the others. This time CC sat beside Ashley and I sat next to Jinx who was constantly looking down to check on me.

The 15 minutes had passed and the bus came to a stop outside the small house I lived in. The house contained 3 apartments. I was the first person out of the bus and I unlocked the door and disabled the alarm. I hung my jacket on one of the knobs behind my door and the others walked in. They did the same thing with their jackets and put their shoes in the same corner as I had done.

"Well... this is my home" I said awkwardly looking at everyone "Come on in" I said. 
"No tour?" Jake laughed.

I pointed to one side of the room " bedroom... Right now we're standing in the living room" I pointed to a corner of the room "Kitchen" and then to another corner "Door to the toilet" I looked at them awkwardly once again. I made eyecontact with Andy who was smiling at me.

Everyone walked to a spot where they could sit. 
Jake, inna and Ashley ended up on my couch Jinxx took a chair CC, Andy and I moved the bed closer to my sofa table and sat on it(the bed) Andy was to my right and CC to my left.

The guys had brought some of the alcohol from their bus but I couldn't handle liquor so I walked to my fridge and got a beer.
"Anyone else want a beer instead of liquor?" Everyone giggled and said their no's

I sat back down on the bed and almost fell off since it was really hard to balance. Andy put a hand on my shoulder so I din't fall too far and CC grabbed my arm. I got so shocked the I pulled it away right away.
CC looked hurt "Sorry I didn't expect you to grab me like that... it caught me off guard" CC fake pouted. "Do you want it?" I laughed. He smiled the most adorable smile and his brown eyes went incredibly bright. I put my arm in the hand he was resting on his thigh.

No one else was paying attention to us as they were all in a conversation, Andy included. I was listening to the conversation they had going. It was mainly about the next concert. It was in Norway which they were very excited for.

I could feel CC painting patterns in my palm. It tickled a bit so I looked at him "CC, it tickles" I smiled. He smiled back "Do you collect bracelets or something?" He smirked "Well, I wouldn't say I collect them, but I definitely have a lot" I blushed. I didn't want to tell him why I was wearing them.

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