💙Elmax: Thank you💙

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Age: 24
Max's POV
I was awoken by feeling tiny hands on my face. My eyes scrunched up and I opened them slightly to see my 8- month old daughter Kenzie in my vision. She had bright blue eyes like me and she had my fiery red hair. I turned so I was laying on my back and I sat up and I gathered her into my arms.
"Good morning my baby" I cooed
"Mama" she gurgled and she put her hand on my face. She said her first word about a week ago and I'm so happy. She sounds so cute saying it I die every time.
I kissed her cheeks and she laughed.
She leaned down and laid her head on my chest. Just then, El walked in brushing her wet hair.
"Hey, you're awake" she said
"Yeah I just did" I replied
She walked over and leaned down to peck my lips.
"Look who woke me up out my sleep" I said referring to the baby laying on me
"Aww, she's so adorable" El said taking her from my arms
Eleven and I have been together since we were 15. We didn't get along at first for still to this day unknown reasons, but one summer we bonded, became best friends, fell in love, one day on a Valentine's Day, the day before El was complaining how she hates it because it just reminds her how alone she feels, so I bought a bunch of cliche shit like chocolates and a big teddy bear and flowers and stuck them in her locker.
  I stood from a far and watched as she opened her locker with a look of pure joy on her face. She took out the best and hugged it tightly. She set it down on the ground and took out the flowers next. She noticed the little card I left on it.
You're so beautiful like you don't even know. I honestly don't know how I even thought about not liking you. You give me a purpose, you make me happy and I wanna do the same
Happy Valentines Day El♥️
I noticed her look around the hall until her eyes landed on me. She smiled wide and I smiled and walked over to her.
She put the flowers in her locker and she threw her arms around me and she kissed me. I was shocked but obviously I kissed back.
When we pulled apart, she was blushing heavily and I could only guess I looked the same way.
"Thank you" she said
"How'd you know it was me?" I asked
"I could just tell" she said
"Thankfully you were correct"
  She smiled and leaned in to kiss me again before we heard the loud voice that belonged to Dustin.
"FINALLY" He yelled
We whipped our heads around to look at him. We saw him walk down the hall with a comic book and a rose in his right hand and his left hand was connected with Lucas'. We just smiled and El buried her face in my neck.
That was the best day of my life, well besides our wedding day. The day I proposed to El was nothing like the day we got together. We actually had a huge fight that day, because she accused me of cheating, which in reality I was trying to find the perfect ring for El, but none of them seems right so I had to go out of town to get one custom made and it took a long time and I had to go back and make sure it was perfect.
El took it the wrong way and when I had to go back and pick up the ring, she confronted me.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" She yelled at me
"OUT!" I yelled
"OF COURSE NOT" I yelled turning to face her. She had tears welling up in her eyes
El just stared at me with tears streaming down her face.
"Get out" she told me
"W-what?" I said
"I said GET OUT" she yelled
She had a look of shock on her face.
"W-what?" She asked
"I wanted to get the perfect ring for you and I was making sure it was perfect and I was going to pick it up today" I told her
She began sobbing and I was confused.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry god I'm so stupid!" She said with her hands on her face covering her eyes
  I went over to her and pulled her into my arms as she sobbed into my shoulder.
"Shhh, it's ok" I said trying to soothe her
She pulled back to look at me with tears still running down her face.
"I'm so sorry Max" she said
"It's ok, don't be sorry, you didn't know"
She wiped away her tears and sniffles.
"Do you still wanna marry me?" She asked me
"Of course I do. I've been waiting for 6 years to call you my wife" I told her
"Me too"
El pulled away and leaned in and kissed me.
"Yes, I will marry you" she told me once we pulled away
"I grinned and I leaned in to kiss her again"
  That day was full of emotions but I'm so glad she said yes. I got the ring after that and came back and proposed to her again like how I planned to, one knee, giving a whole speech about how much I love her.
Our wedding was small with only the party, Joyce and Hopper and Steve, Billy and Robin being there.
El looked beautiful in her short, lacy white dress and her beautiful long vail was amazing. El and I had similar dresses but mine had long sleeves and she didn't. The ceremony was beautiful with all of us just having the time of our life.
Two years later, we decided to start a family, using a sperm donor and my egg combined, it was inseminated into El and out came Kenzie. I love that little girl and El more than life itself.
"Thank you" I told El
"For what?" She asked while chuckling and bouncing Kenzie in her arms
"Just giving me happiness, giving me Kenzie, and just for loving me" I told her
"Aww, Maxie I love you"
She walked over to me and leaned down and kissed. I smiled pecked her lips a few more times before being interrupted by a loud screech Kenzie let out. El and I broke apart laughing and I took Kenzie from her arms and kissed her cheeks.
El leaned down and tickled her belly and Kenzie let out loud laughs and in this moment I was just truly, truly, grateful.


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