🖤Stanlonbrough: Ready For It🖤

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Third Person POV
Remember when Bev, Eddie and Stan got pregnant at the same time? Yeah, they also went into labor at the same time as well. They were all in rooms next to each other. You could hear the groans of pain from both sides of the walls since Stan was in between the rooms of Bev and Eddie.
I heard Eddie threatening to cut Richies dick off after this, I mean, he did knock Eddie up with triplets, can you blame him? Bev was having twins, a boy and a girl and Eddie was having all girls.
  Stan didn't wanna know what we were having, he said he wanted to wait. Well, that day has come. So far, he was 8cm dilated, only two more to go.
"How you feeling baby?" Mike asked Stan as he ran his hand through Stans curly hair.
"Like I'm about to push out your kid" he snapped
Mike wasn't hurt by his words knowing Stan didn't mean them. I heard screams on the left side of me, which was Bev, then the cries of a baby. She had one. The cries died down and Bev was screaming again. Another round of wails was heard. The second one was here.
"Come onnnnnn, I want to get this kid out of me already" Stan groaned
"Be patient Stanny" Bill said to him softly
Stan just groaned and threw his head back.
  Then 20 minutes later, on the right side of us, you could hear the doctor telling Eddie to push. For the next ten minutes, you heard Eddie screaming and groaning before he finally delivered all of his children. At this point Stan wanted to cry. He just wanted to meet his puppy!
  Another contraction came and it was a big. He groaned in pain and the doctor walked in to check how dilated he was.
"Ok, your 10 cm it's time to push" she said
"Finally" Stan said
  The doctor adjusted the bed so Stan was sitting up with his legs spread.
"Ok, when I tell you to push, do it as hard as you can" the doctor said
Stan was just trying to get his breathing under control.
"Push" the doctor told him
Stan groaned while holding onto Mikes hand. This went on four more times before the pup was born.
"It's a girl" the doctor announced
  All three men smiled so wide. They have a little girl.
"Wait, there's one more" the doctor said
"Wait, What? No, there isn't. Only one was shown on the ultrasounds" Bill said
"They must've been hiding well because there is definitely another pup in there, I can see the head" the doctor said "Im gonna need you to push for me"
Stan was in disbelief. Oh my god, he was having twins. Stan did as the doctor said and three minutes later, a second baby cry was heard throughout the room and this baby was LOUD.
"It's another girl" the doctor said
The three men began to cry. All the emotions being a lot for them to handle.
"Oh my god, two little girls" Stan said softly
The doctor came over and placed both of them in Stans arms. They looked so beautiful. They were the tiniest things he'd ever seen. Stan was so happy he was still crying.
"Oh my god" Bill said "They're here"
"You have any names?" Mike said
"I really like the name Amelia" Stan said
"I love it" Mike said "You have another one?"
"You can choose the other name"
"How about Ava?" Bill suggested
"I love it" Stan said
Amelia and Ava Hanlon. Since the babies weren't biologically Mikes, it didn't really matter. Stan suggested that the babies have his last name and they all loved the idea.
They were all looking at the two babies who were in Stans arms asleep. Stan told Mike and Bill to hold one of them. Mike took Amelia and Bill took Ava.
"They're so beautiful" Mike said softly
Amelia began to squirm in Mikes arms and she opened her eyes and looked up at him. Her eyes were a light hazel just like Stans. Ava's eyes most likely looked the same since they were identical.
"Look at her eyes" Mike said holding her out to Stan who took her from Mike.
"Aww, she has my eyes" Stan said
  Throughout the rest of the day, Stan, Bill and Mike learned that Eddie names his three girls, Bella, Bria and Beverly. Bev named her daughter Riley and her son Ethan. Both of her kids have Bevs red hair but look just like Ben but with blue eyes. Eddies girls have wisps of black curly hair and they looked like the perfect mix of Richie and Eddie.
  That night, the two girls were sleeping in the hospital cots and Stan was laying on the bed while Mike and Bill looked so uncomfortable sleeping on those hospital chairs, but there wasn't enough space for them to lay on the bed with Stan.
  He was looking over at Ava and Amelia and he was just in absolute bliss. It may be his hormones all over the place but he just couldn't believe he had not one, but two little miracles that was completely unexpected even though deep down he sort of knew.
  Stan was ready to live his life, with his two amazing husbands and his two beautiful daughters. Who knows how many more they may have in the future.
  Well whatever happens, he was ready for it.


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