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Got wifi back!!!:D

-Niall's POV-

"Get your amazing arse on stage" Toni shouts on me.

"I'm going babe." I say back to her before running towards to the boys.

"When are you going to break up with her? I liked Sam better. You should have picked her" Harry says.

"Harry it's been a year. Simon said if I don't find someone I'm out of the band. I gave Sam up for this." I say back. He is right. I don't think I've lasted a night without getting really drunk. I guess it's harder to get over her than I fault. I still love her but it's time for a fake smile. The stage door opens and we all walk out. We sing our first song before saying hello to the crowd. "Evening New York" I shout smiling. I remember that my mum is here. I made her fly out for today. I missed her loads and It was nice to spend sometime with her. I turn to see where my mum is. She is standing next to someone. The girl has her back to me so I can't tell who she is. "Hey mum! Get me a beer!" I shout giggling. My mum pulls the girls arm and points at me. The girl turns to my mum and says something. I think nothing of it and just start to sing the next song.

"Sam?" I hear Harry shout. I look to Harry who is smiling like a div. "I love you Sammy!" He shouts. Am i hearing it? I turn and look where Harry is looking. He is looking at my mum? I start to laugh yep I'm hearing things. After an hour of singing I look back over to my mum. The girl next to her has turned and is facing this way. The light to bright. As we all walk to the front of the stage I look back over at the girl. It's Sam. I run off stage.

"Niall what are you doing?" Toni says stoping me.

"Sam's here." I say back looking past Toni as if she isn't there.

"Sam's your ex and I'm your next so get back on stage" she shouts. I look at her.

"You were never my next Toni."

"Take one more step and I'll.. I'll"

"You'll what? Are you going to scream?"

"No I'm going to dump you!" She shouts at me. I start to laugh.

"Okay" I run past her. I can hear her screaming my name but I don't stop. Sam is back. As I get to the opening to the box I can hear my heart beating faster. I walk in and my heart just stops. I walk up to my mum "where is she?"

"Her boss called she had to go to work. Go back to the show. She left me her number" I nod and run back onto stage. Her boss? I start to sing and before I know it the show is over. I go backstage to see Toni talking to my mum. "That's bitchy isn't it?"

"No she's a cow. Me and Niall should be together" Toni says back to my mum.

"Toni it's over get out" I say before looking at my mum. She smiles at me.

"Niall there is no Sam." I turn back and look at Toni.

"Why? Where is she?" I pretty much shout.

"My dad is her boss. You won't ever see her again." I ran past toni and get into my rented car. After about 20 minutes of driving I pull up outside Toni dad's work. The office block is at least 30 stories. I park up and get out the car. I look up at the offices before walking in. I walk over to a desk at the front.

"Hey I'm here to see Sam Taylor?" I say to the women behind the desk. She smiles before checking me out.

"Yeah Sam she's amazing, are you Niall? She's my flat mate" she say smiling.

"Can I see her?"

"Oh yeah of course. I will take you" she says as she gets out from behind the desk. She is wearing a short dress with some heels. "You are Niall right?"

The lies that gave me hope (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now