Chapter 1: Lyra-Bella Cassiopeia Malfoy

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Sanctimonia Vincet Semper // Purity Will Always Conquer

          Lyra-Bella Cassiopeia Malfoy. The story of my name is a lot less complicated than the name itself. "Lyra" is a constellation, naming children after constellations is a family tradition. My name is derived from the word Lyre. This ties into this long story about how Hermes made the very first Lyre out of a turtle shell or something and gave it to Orpheus and the Lyre ended up being this powerful tool that's music could charm inanimate objects or whatever. 

          Lyra is also boarded by many constellations, one of which includes Draco. The "Bella" part of my name is a lot less complicated and is simply a small reference to my aunt Bellatrix. My middle name, "Cassiopeia", is another constellation and was the name of a vain and boastful queen in Greek mythology. One of the neighbouring constellations is Andromeda. Funnily enough, Cassiopeia had to sacrifice her daughter Andromeda to sea monsters. Andromeda survived, but an interesting story nonetheless. Then there is my last name which needs no explanation. I am a proud Malfoy daughter.

         June 5th, the hot summer day I was born. Also the same day my darling baby brother, Draco Lucius Malfoy, was born. I was born at 11:55 PM, or 23:55 for those people and Draco was born only a minute later. From birth we were inseparable, even occasionally sleeping together in the same crib. Being twins meant we just understood each other in ways that nobody else really could.

          We are identical, physically speaking, we are fraternal twins. For the most part, we do look very similar. Even more so before we both hit puberty. We have the same sharp features, platinum hair, grey eyes, and the same signature facial expressions. The only differences are because of our gender. While Draco is slightly more feminine appearing then most guys he is definitely a male, whilst I'm female. Before his voice deepened we even sounded similar, which many Slytherins teased him about. I'm sure Draco is extremely happy we don't sound so similar anymore. I can't imagine he would enjoy sounding more like a girl than he already does with all his whining.

          Before Hogwarts life was rather mundane. Read, eat, sleep, play a little, get scolded for making a mess, and of course our daily dose of 'you need to be perfect' from our father. Then go to sleep and repeat. Perhaps the repetitive and monotonous feel of it all was what made me so eager for my turn at Hogwarts.
          Sometimes the Malfoy Manor felt like a huge fairytale mansion where I could be anything I wanted, and other times it reminded me of how trapped I really was. I could tell Draco felt the same. The whole place was large and empty. The only real joys were my mother, Draco, and the occasional times when Uncle Sev and my cousin Andromeda came to visit. Andromeda was an interesting girl. She had an almost scary obsession with the dark arts. Much more than I did. Although, I have to admit they kind of fascinated me. I usually call her Andy because Andromeda is too much of a mouthful.

         It was the summer now, our tenth birthday was soon approaching and I was counting down the days I would get on the Hogwarts Express. We sat together in Draco's room, him attempting to play piano with his tiny hands and myself getting frustrated at my painting canvas for not looking how I wanted it to. Eventually, I gave up and flopped onto his large bed.
         "Lyra!" Draco hissed, "you're getting paint on my bed." I apologized and stalked grumpily to his closet. Opening it up I reached into the far corner and pulled out a spare shirt of mine and changed quickly while his back was turned. Being as close as we were, we were comfortable enough around each other to do stuff like this. We also both kept a few outfits in each other's wardrobes in case the need for it ever arose. 
          "Excited about Hogwarts?" I asked as he slammed his hands rather roughly on the keys. A sour string of notes emitted from the piano as Draco frowned at me.
          "I guess." He said folding his music book up and placing it neatly into the compartment in the piano stool. I couldn't exactly tell how Draco was feeling. Which was concerning because usually I can read him like a book. 
          "Potions might be fun," he whispered as he settled into the emerald green sea of his duvet "I'd like to see Sevvy again." I nodded and joined him on the bed, lying next to him and looking up at the high ceiling.
          "DADA seems rather interesting."
          "Why do we need to know how to defend ourselves against the Dark Arts when we'll be the ones using them?" 
          "I guess you're right," I said. The room went silent and we laid beside one another with neither of us really speaking. It was comfortable.

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