12. Life Of The Party (Abel's POV)

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I toss and turn and toss again. Finally, in surrender, I turn on the lights. I plop my head back on my pillow and turn to my left. I look at the clock on my black nightstand and it reads 2:33 am.

"Shit." I mumble to myself.

Goddamn, I hate this shit; this feeling lonely shit. I'm usually the type to have a girl in my bed every other night.. sometimes two, but I haven't had sex in 3 weeks. Actually, I haven't been feeling myself. Since that encounter with Krissa last week, I'm mad confused. We've been texting since we saw each other. And when I say texting, I mean texting for hours nonstop. I've gotten to know her more than I thought I did and it makes me want her even more! I love talking to her and when she tells me things I never knew about her.

She moved out of her apartment with Emily (no surprise) and moved in with that Caleb guy.

I can't help but not liking him. He's making Krissa happy as hell, but it kills me seeing his arms wrapped around her everytime I check my instagram newsfeed. And it kills me even more knowing I can't do anything about it.

Why the fuck am I even up at this time thinking about her? I know who I am, and I don't settle. I can't; as much as I want to, I just can't. I'm been doing this shit for a long while and I'm not about to change for some girl.

Out of no where my iPhone lights up. I turn over and my heart nearly stopped when I see Krissa Malia light up on my phone.

Krissa Malia: Where are you? I miss you. xoxo.

Well, shit. I reread the message over and over again, but finally reply.

at home, lol. want to chill?

I eagerly wait for a reply. I was just thinking about her and she texts me? This shit is a sign, or what?

Almost instantly my phone buzzes 3 times making me smirk.

Krissa Malia: Oh shit

Krissa Malia: That was for Caleb.

Krissa Malia: I'm sorry!!

If she could see my face right now. I turn a little red from the fucking embarrassment. The fuck? How you "accidentally" text me that shit. How does "Abel" even look like "Caleb?" or whatever she has his number saved as. Probably some shit like "Baby." Damn, I hate that white ass dude.

I decide to text her back because we're both up missing someone.

it's ok lol. u lonely? :( sorry.

My phone lights up quick as fuck.

Krissa Malia: Yeaaaahhh. It's all good, though. I can handle it.):

well, come over? i have pizza!

Krissa Malia: Okay, but no funny business! :-) Lol.


Damn, she knows me too well. All I want right now is to kiss her and touch her in all the right places like old times, but if I did I just KNOW she'd hate me. She would never cheat; Unfortunely for me, she's not that type of girl. She absolutely hates cheaters, which is why she was mad at me for so long. I really hurt her with that, man. I wish I hadn't done all that good shit with Emily, but I'm a fucking man. I just couldn't help it. I wonder where Krissa and I would be if that didn't happen.

I mean, would she be in my bed right now? Would she be wrapped around my arms? Or would she be fast asleep just to find me gone in the morning.. just like the other girls I've been playing games with just about my entire life..

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