1. High For This

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I look out my little apartment into the beautiful city that is Toronto. The night sky filled with twinkling stars always look beautiful and the cool breeze always makes me feel great. Toronto is so different from my city, but I honestly love living here. There's nothing more I love. I left Virginia to come attend The University of Toronto and I really enjoy it there. Everything is in place and I'm finally on my own.

"Krissa!" I hear my friend Emily say.

Well, kinda on my own.

"Let's go out tonight. Let's go to the club. All we've been doing is studying and doing homework. We need to have a night out!" She begs me as if already knowing Im going to say no.

"Em no. I'm tired and stressed. I just wanna rest this Saturday." I lie. I mean, I am a bit stressed, but I'm not tired at all. I just don't go clubbing at all either. I don't even drink or smoke and I barely dance. It's not my type of place. It's never been my scene.

"Cmon Kris. You're my bestfriend and ever since we've been in school we never hang out anymore which is weird because we live together!  You're young! You're free! Have a good time!" she begs even more. I suppose she is right. I have been pretty stressed out about school and work.

About 30 minutes pass and I finally give in. I start getting ready very mad at the fact I let Emily win.

Maybe she is right. I'm always busy and never have time to do anything enjoyable. I suppose I do need a night out with her. It's gonna be fun. It's just a couple hours of dancing, right?


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