28. Next

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(Abel's POV)
I quickly open the door to my apartment and slam it shut using all my force. I breathe in and out heavily standing still. I then push everything off the counter top near my door and plop myself face down on the black leather couch in the living room.
I'm an idiot.
How could I do this? Krissa is such a beautiful women. A kind soul. She's all a guy could ask for. I don't know why I continuously fuck things up. One minute we're fine and the next we're not. I love her so damn much. I need her to be with me and I'm willing to do what it takes to make sure she's my baby.
15 minutes pass and I finally decide to sit up. I kick my boots off and prop my feel on the dark wooden coffee table causing magazines and coasters to fall. I lean my head back and close my eyes contemplating my next move. I shift my body and take my iPhone out of my right jean back pocket. I see messages on my lock screen.

Mom: visit. soon my love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

I smile in embarrassment. I decide to reply to her.

"will do. I'll let you know when. xo."

Next message.

Krissa: I'm coming over to pick up my things.

"what things?"

Krissa: Clothes, shoes, make up. I've left lots of things there. I'll be over soon. Tomorrow. Busy at the moment.


She's coming over. I normally would be excited but she's coming over to leave again and this time maybe for good. I need to figure out what to do and fast.
  I've let too many good things in my life slip through my fingers and I'm not letting it happen again. As many times as I fuck up I know how I actually feel and Kris is the one for me.
  I walk into my small kitchen and grab a glass from my cupboard. I set it on the marble counter. I then walk to the fridge, open it and grab a icy cold water bottle. I pour the water into the glass. I turn around and grab a bottle of acetaminophen. I pop one in my mouth and drink the water in just a few gulps. Hopefully my headache goes away.. then I'll be able to think quickly because right now I'm feeling reckless and I don't think I'm going to regret anything.
  After spending 30 minutes on my couch, I slip my boots back on not even bothering to tie the laces and then I put on my black leather XO jacket. I grab my keys and I'm off the door.
  After getting in my car and driving a few miles I'm finally at my destination: last place I'd ever thought I'd be at

(Krissa's POV)
  beep beep beep
  My alarm goes off indicating its time for me to get my lazy ass up. I slowly raise my body and shut off my alarm. I look at the time. 5 pm. damn. I've slept nearly all day. I'm not surprised. I alway sulk. I could sleep for hours and hours when I'm upset. You don't feel pain when you're sleeping. I'm honestly so heartbroken. I didn't want to end things with Abel but I don't know how long I can keep playing this little game of his. We're like your least favorite song stuck on repeat. The tragedy never ends.. it just keeps going and going until sooner or later you change the song. I love Abel with all my heart and he loves me but is loving each other enough? Will love save our relationship?
  I take my sweet ass time walking to the bathroom. I get into the shower and turn on the cool water. Maybe a quick shower will help me wake up.
  15 minutes later and I'm laying on my bed, once again, in a towel. I check my phone.

No Notifications

  Maybe Abel has forgotten the love we shared. He has no problem finding new girls. They love him. They throw themselves at him. Seems like every where he goes there at least 3 girls that "love" him. So why? Why wouldn't it be hard for him to move on?
  I finally get up and slip on black jeans am a long sleeve lacy purple top. I put on black flats as well. I walk into my bathroom and fix my hair by putting it in a messy bun. I'm not even going to bother with make up right now. I walk out of my room and grab my tan small purse sitting on the kitchen table, my sunglasses, and my keys and I'm out the front door. I text him

"On my way."

and he texts me back

"door will be open"

"walk in"

10 minutes later I'm outside Abel's apartment. My legs are shaky. There's a lump in my throat. I feel like busting into tears right on the spot.
  I get out my car and walk into his apartment. The living room and kitchen are dimly lit and Abel is not in sight.

  "Abel?" I call out. No answer.

  I set my purse down and call out again but no answer.

  I then hear a faint noise coming from the back of the hall.

  AHA!! Got him. I walk faster than I normally do into the back of the hall which leads to Abel's room. I slowly open the door and it's pitch black. I get a weird feeling in my stomach.

  "Abel?? Where are you?" My voice cracks as I call out again and the lights come on, barely. A very dim light. And I see Abel sitting in the arm chair near his bed.

  "ABEL! WHAT THE FUCK! I nearly shit myself!" I say angrily and he smirks.

  "What's going on?" I ask and  he gets up with his right hand behind his back. He walks towards me and stops when we're face to face.

  He removes his hand and hands me a single red rose.

  I take in slowly and ask him what's going on again.

  "Krissa. Forgive me." He looks me in the eyes "I know I fuck up. A lot. I'm not perfect and I'm not sure I ever will be. I mess up. I'm shallow and selfish. I'm sometimes way too cocky. I'm annoying and impulsive. I don't think before I speak. But.. I just know that when I'm with you I'm happy. I'm ecstatic." I kisses my cheek
  "I've never met anyone like you. You're the love of my life Krissa and it took me forever to realize it but I don't want to wait anymore."
  He digs into his front pocket and pulls out a beautiful ring.
  This is too much. I back away a little bit and I see the hurt in his eyes.
  "Don't be scared. I think we both know I'm not ready for marriage." He chuckles.
  "This is a promise ring. I promise to be faithful. I promise to be yours. I promise Krissa. I'll do whatever I can to make you happy. I promise I'll fix us and fix things. I'm in love with you. And maybe one day in the future we'll get married. I don't know. I'm not worried about the future. I'm worried about right now and I want you."

  I'm speechless and I feel tears starting to form.

  "Give me one more chance. The last and final chance." He asks and his eyes are glossy.

  He holds the ring out towards me a bit more.

  "What do you say?" He asks.

  "Yes." I reply and he smiles cheek to cheek.

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