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2 years later...

"Hayato! Let's go!", I called out. Hayato ran downstairs with a marker in his hand. "Mommy!", he grinned. I smirked and picked him up. "What did you do?", I asked, kissing his head. "Nothing.", he smiled. I walked outside and waited for Ace and Zoro; I held my laugh as I saw the two men with doodles on their faces. "Let's go?", yawned Zoro. "Babe...", I giggled. Zoro came closer and hummed, after whispering that his face was decorated in drawings, he proceeded to turn and laughed at Ace. Ace frowned and looked into the mirror. "Hayato... Uncle is not amused.", he growled. Hayato ignored the two men and snuggled my chest; before the two men could scold him, a familiar laugh resonated around the street. "(Y/n)!!", shouted Luffy, hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back, I was relieved that the boy was back with his pack and doing well. "How are you doing so far?", I smiled. "I'm good! Are you going to a picnic?", asked Luffy, drool running down his mouth. "Yes, get in the car.", I smiled.

After a lot of work and alliances built with the other Kings and Queens, we were able to establish something that would benefit the creatures around the world. We had managed to keep the government at bay. Shanks still represented us as he got together with the government officials but it wasn't something easy that could be resolved. Sakazuki was fired and with his departure, he gained fame and followers. Most of those were aged Hunters and soldiers that agreed with his philosophy. People knew we were real, yet they still treated us like we were worth nothing. I tried to keep as many of my kind within my lands, also having to protect the humans that lived alongside us. I kept working hard for the sake of the future that still hadn't lived as much as we had, for my son and many other children that didn't know the hatred that was thrown at them. I managed by with Zoro's help, my pack was also determined to help me keep the peace. "How's your pack back home, Luffy?", I smiled, holding Hayato. "Everyone is fine! You should come over next time so Sanji can cook for you!", grinned Luffy. I nodded and we all chatted before arriving at the beach house that Ace had bought. "Okay, everyone out.", I chuckled.

I smiled at the large estate that was meant to be our new base, we had decided to move because of the people that lived in the city. The bar was kept open to keep women and children from Sakazuki's hunt. Many witches made oaths with our pack after we saved Luffy, I sighed and decided to greet my pack before anything. Hayato begged to go off and explore. "Very well... But only around here okay?", I smiled. "Okay.", he grinned. "Hey! Your mom means it!", grinned Zoro. Hayato laughed and turned into a pup, jumping into the bushes. Zoro took hold of my hand and I smiled, we walked inside and started discussing our next plans. "The witches will arrive in two days... I think we should be fine for now but I will have people patrolling the forest.", smiled Ace. I nodded and looked out the window to see Hayato playing around the forest.

I focused back on our current situation, Sakazuki had gone missing along with his followers. Shanks had currently been locating them, not only for our sakes but because the government also wanted him for many crimes. "BOSS!!", shouted someone outside. I stood up and Zoro grabbed the hilt of his sword. One of our pack members fell through the doors into the room, he had a large cut on his chest and was dying. "Marco!", I shouted, running over and putting pressure on the wound. "B-Boss...", whispered the boy. "Shhhh, don't talk...", I whispered and gave him a gentle smile. "S-She took... Hayato...", whispered the boy, before Marco took him to the infirmary. My mind went blank as I heard those words, I ran back to the window to see others injured and Hayato nowhere in sight. I jumped down from the second floor and out the doors, Zoro followed suit. "Hayato...", whispered Zoro. We both started shouting his name but only cold silence answered us both. "Stay here and take care of the pack!", I shouted at Zoro before running to the edge of the forest.

I started panicking as I couldn't find Hayato anywhere, everyone started shouting his name but he didn't call back. I turned into a wolf and started to look all around the surrounding forest; I caught his scent and went after it. I turned back and ran through the brush and thicket. "HAYATO!!", I cried in desperation. "MOMMY!!", he cried, I ran even faster until I arrived at a clearing. I frowned as I saw Kuina holding Hayato. "Give me my son back...", I growled, all I could see was red. I wanted to rip that bitch throat out so badly and take back my son; she smirked and placed the blade of her katana against Hayato's neck. I stopped breathing for a second, holding my tongue. "Good girl, I just want to talk, can we do that?", she smiled.

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