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Two Years Later...

After much discussion, we had come to an agreement that made the first pact between the supernatural and humans. Laws were established and territories were divided, much to our disappointment there still were humans that didn't accept our kind. The scars of war between the supernatural and humans were still fresh but that didn't stop us from teach and accepting humans that wanted to learn from us. The Book Keepers along with Shanks made sure to educate many humans, many of our pack members even made families of their own and decided to leave. I was happy with the progress we had made in two years. I yawned and stretched as I got up from my desk. "Heading outside, my Queen?", smiled Ace. I chuckled and nodded, the title was not something I wished for but that was what many creatures called me regardless of my insistence to remain (Y/n) to them.

I arrived outside and told Ace to go drink and party with the others, which he chuckled at before obeying. I sat down on the porch and looked over at the garden, Hayato and Alciel sat there, making flower crowns while Soras other children chased Law. I smiled and waved at Zoro, he gave me a tired smile while he walked out of the woods holding our two-year-olds. I had given birth to twins, a set of girls. "This is nice...", smiled Sora, taking a seat next to me. She held a newborn in her arms that looked exactly like her. I nodded and poked the baby's cheeks before Sora smacked my hand. "Do not.", she hissed. I held back a laugh and held my hands up in defense. I felt my daughters hug my legs as they arrived in front of me, they were dirty from playing in the forest. "Hello, my loves.", I whispered. I picked them up and hugged them close, the eldest was named Kuina and the younger twin was named Ayame.

"They made a bit of a mess but nothing I couldn't fix.", grinned Zoro. I raised an eyebrow and chuckled, he walked over and kissed me. "Ew!", giggled the twins before they ran over to play with Law and his kids. Zoro laughed and hugged me, I smiled and kissed his head. "I didn't think you would name one of your daughters after that girl.", said Sora. I looked over and gave her a small smile, it was true that the girl had caused us a mess of an ordeal but in the end... Something made her change her mind. It didn't matter, I was grateful to her in the end because no matter how, Sakazuki would have killed me and Ace instead of her. "Are you okay?", asked Zoro, cupping my face. I snapped back and smiled, I kissed him again and reassured him that everything was fine. I looked over at Sora and her newborn. "Whats her name?", I asked her. Sora looked at her child, the baby opened her eyes to reveal the most stunning emerald colored eyes. "I named her Sheyda, she will live in a world where she can give her love as freely and deeply as she pleases...", smiled Sora, kissing the baby forehead.

Law carried the kids along with Zoro, while Sora and I prepared their rooms. "Thank you again for letting us stay.", smiled Sora. I shook my head and told her it was the least I could do. "Im secretly glad you became a Queen... Im also glad that you and Zoro fixed everything...", she whispered. I looked over and saw that she was crying, maybe it was due to the effects of giving birth or maybe the hormones but Sora hardly ever cried. I embraced her and smiled as she hugged me back. "I'm glad too... Thank you for everything.", I whispered. I yawned as I walked to my room, Law had kicked me out when he saw his wife was an emotional mess. I smiled as I saw Zoro standing on the balcony, our kids were all fast asleep on our bed. I kissed their heads before walking over to my mate, he had gone through a lot with me and I couldn't find any reason not to stay with him until Death came for us. Zoro laughed as I hugged him, he kissed my cheek and sighed as he took in my scent. "Thank you...", he whispered. I sighed, every once in a while he would apologize for what he did, but honestly, it didn't bother me anymore.

"Shhh, lets enjoy the full moon tonight.", I giggled. Zoro chuckled and nodded before fixing us in a lounge chair outside, we looked up and enjoyed the silence. I played with his hands, bringing them close before placing a kiss on them. "We need to go visit Luffy and his pack in a few days.", I smiled. Zoro groaned but didn't protest, I relaxed before humming. This life wasn't as bad as I thought, maybe some would say it was a curse but if I were, to be honest. Sitting in the arms of my lover, having our kids fast asleep and safe, knowing that we have all the time in the world was the best life. I whispered goodnight to Zoro and felt his arms wrap around me protectively, I smiled and whispered my love for him. As always he kissed my head and let out a soft chuckle before I fell asleep.

"I love you, (Y/n)... For all of our eternity..."

Thank you so much for everyone that voted and kept me motivated during these hard times... I hope this is a good enough ending for everyone!

Apologies for errors
Hope you enjoyed, as always...

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