"So my son can love an alcoholic, just not me"

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Nico pov

I knocked softly on the bathroom door.

"Come in" Apollo called. I opened the door and nearly died of shock. He was clean, shaved and in a towel. He was also very good looking. "Oh thanks kid." He reached out and grabbed the clothes out of my hands. I gave my self a shake and told myself to not stare at Will's dad.

I mumbled something like "Okay.......your welcome." He flashed me a smile that reminded me of Will.

I was about to back out and leave, "Ah Nico? Do you have anything to drink around here? I could use something to settle my nerves." He said with a charm that I am sure served him well at parties.

"No." I said I coldly. "But I attend an AA meeting you can join if you like." I stared him down. I wanted him to understand he could not charm me.

His eye brows shot up in surprise. "Your an alcoholic?"

"A recovering alcoholic, yes." He looked back into the bathroom mirror.

"So my son can love an alcoholic...... just not me." He said sadly.

My ice began to melt. "Your son loves you. He would also love to help you. But you have broken his heart too many times."

Apollo nodded into the mirror. Seeming to try recognize the guy in the mirror. "I wasn't always like this you know." He said the words like prayer. "I was a talented musician. I had a record deal, a wife, a family. Then Michael....." his voice catched.

"I lost my mother and my big sister was murdered. I get it man. But There came a time when I realised the damage I was doing to those who loved and cared for me. The damage I was doing to myself. I asked for help......" I sighed and racked my fingers through my hair. "Look I am not saying it is easy. It's not. Do I still want to drink. Everyday. But it's not worth my friends and family. It's sure as hell not worth Will."

Apollo searched my face. " You really love him don't you?," he asked.

I squared my shoulders and looked him dead in the eye. "Yes sir."

He nodded. "Good. Don't throw it away like me."

I shook my head. "I have no intention of doing so." After a moment of silence I turn to walk out. I hesitate. "Apollo"


"If you decide your ready to ask for help..... you know." I took a shaky breath. " You know where to find us. Okay?"

He looked at me for a moment before nodding. I turned and left the bathroom. I went straight to the kitchen needing to bake something.

I didn't see Will standing inside the next door way. He slid to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest, tears streaming down his face.

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