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                           My heart starts
          to race and pound. Why here, why
now, why does he have to suddenly want to come back in my life when I'm finally happy? Do I not deserve this? I start to break down inside. I never once lied to any of my fans. I'm getting hot and sweaty, becoming shaky. Chase grabs my hand and intertwined our finger so I know he's here for me. Everyone's looking at me confused, besides my friends. "I did not lie to anybody. I don't lie, especially to the ones I love, which includes my fans. I don't know why you have to suddenly want to come back into my life when I'm finally happy and I'm finally over you and over what happened. I'm with Chase and I love him so much and I'm so beyond happy words cannot describe." I blanty say. Chase takes over. "LISTEN, ELLIE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DESERVE WHAT YOU DID TO HER AND I KNOW FOR A FACT SHE WOULD NEVER LIE TO ANYONE LET ALONE HER FANBASE! YOU NEED TO GET OVER YOURSELF, SHES HAPPY AND YOU NEED TO SEE THAT AND BE HAPPY FOR HER. MOVE ON, GET OUT OF OUR LIVES." He shouts in our anger about ready to flip over the table and fight him. Tears stream down my face as I realize I shouldn't be here right now. I shouldn't be alive, or with chase, I don't deserve him, he's so good to me in every way and I don't deserve it at all. He looks over at me and realizes that I'm bawling my eyes out and puts me in a tight secure hug. I hear some people in the crowd start to cry. He rubs my back and shushes me to calm down as I sob into his shoulder. "I can't do this. I have to leave. I'm sorry everyone, I'll probably be back tomorrow." I say to my fans and friends. I get out of chases arms and start walking out. "Ellie I'm coming with you." He yells to me. I turn around to face him. "No you're not. Your gonna sit down and enjoy your time." "Yeah well I'm not gonna enjoy it if I'm thinking about how your doing the whole time!" He shouts and I cross my arms, giving in. "Fine, let's just go. Quick." I rush him. He runs over to me and tells me to jump on him and straddle his stomach so he can carry me, because he knows I'm not stable enough to walk. I do as he says and I hear Avani scream at him. "LISTEN YOU LITTLE BITCH IF YOU EVER COME NEAR HER OR US EVER AGAIN I WILL FUCKING PUNCH THE SHIT OUT OF YOU AND YOU WILL BE SORRY THAT YOU HAVE EVEN MADE EYE CONTACT WITH HER SO I NEED YOU TO-" and that's the last of it I could hear as we walked back to our room. I rested my head on chases shoulder still intensely crying. I won't pass out, not again. I can't put chase through the hurt and pain I put him through last time. I slightly look at him and see his cheeks running with tears as well. "Are you crying?" I ask. "No..." He says as his voice shakes. "Chase I don't care if you cry, it doesn't make you any less strong." "Fine, maybe a little." He says and I calm down just a little bit, but still crying. He puts in the creators pass and unlocks the door. He sits us down on the bed and sits us down on the bed.

*Chases POV*
I sit on down on the bed
and stroke her hair to calm her down
as she cries into my shoulder. "Baby it'll be ok, you have me, I'm right here." I say to calm her down a little. "Why does he have to do it now? When I'm finally happy and in a good mental state... I just don't understand Chase I really don't." She says as tears stream down both our faces. "I don't know, but, are you feeling ok?" "I mean I'm emotionally drained, stressed, confused, but if that doesn't count then yes?" She responds. "No like do you feel like your gonna pass out?" She takes her head off my shoulder to look me in the eyes, arms still wrapped around my neck. "Not really... wait. This isn't normal, usually I'm a fucking disaster and I pass out for a day." "Well I mean I'm not complaining." I say and she smiles a little. "I really don't know what I would do without you Hudson. You've made my life feel... complete. If I ever lose you I lose a half of me as well." I put my arms around her waist to bring her in for a big hug and she puts her head on my shoulder once again. She didn't pass out this time, which I am miles thankful for. I pull away from the hug and kiss her. "Now I have to say sorry to the fans." She tells me. "For what?" "For everything that happened today." "I don't think you have to say sorry about anything because it's not your fault a single bit, but you'll have to explain to them." She nods and falls asleep in my arms.

(I changed the cover btw because story ab the last one the book used to be called meant to be and that's why I made that but I finally got around to changing it and I hope you like it.

To the Moon and Back ~ chase hudson Where stories live. Discover now