001 ::: Never Run

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Okay, so, this is my first ever werewolf story. It is new to me, but it is also my story which means I will be expressing my own werewolf world that is harboring in my mind. Please be kind and accept that it may not align up to what you consider "traditional werewolf" culture. 

Thanks! & Enjoy!

Don't run. Never run.

It was something that was drilled into our heads since we entered into this world. As babies it was the one phrase that was spoken to us over and over and over again, even though we didn't understand language, hell we couldn't even see anything beyond blurry blobs let alone grasp the phrase that humans lived by.

We did, however, fully come to understand, know, follow, and live by the words.

It was life or death.

I thought, I truly thought, that I had this down, but my current situation was proving the opposite.

I had never been confronted with a situation like this, never, and I believed that those two words would've been engrained enough into my being that it would've held me in place, but considering that I am presently running for my life established that no matter how many times words are repeated, we only have a certain control over ourselves under pressure.

I didn't want to run. No. I had wanted to remain still. Punishment would've been far less than it will be for running. Because, as much to my dismay, I would be caught. I would be punished. I would die.

Sure, punishment for remaining would've been far from luxurious, but I would've stayed alive. I would be missing a limb or have lengthy scars down my body, still-I would've been able to go home to my family.

Not now.

Now I would die.

Because a human could not outrun a werewolf.

And werewolves ruled the world.

They decided our fate and it just so happens that for the last eight years the punishment for evasiveness was death.

It has been ten years since the werewolves took over and fifteen years since they made their presence known. Originally, they came out of hiding under the pretense of wanting harmony and to work together. Soon, however, things turned and not for the better.

Wolves wanted more power. Humans wanted the extinction of their kind. Humans felt threatened and had every right to feel so. We didn't have the upper hand. We were the inferior in many ways and they saw that. They used it against us.

It was now their world and we were just living in it. Correction: surviving in it.

With each passing year, the wolves got crueler than the last thinking up even more horrendous ways to punish us humans.

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