Chapter 18

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The day before they were due to leave Lexi heard a knock on the door and went to open it.
Gary stood on the door step a shy grin across his face. "I know it's your last night, but could I steal you awake for a while" he asked hoping she would say yes
Lexi didn't know what to say, she wanted more than anything to say yes, but was worried as she should be spending her last night with her friends.
"of course, she would love to" Jackie said popping her head around the door. " as long as she's back in time for our last drinks you can steal her for as long as you want"
Smiling Gary laughed and said "oh I promise she won't be back late" leaning in her kissed her cheek and said " pick you up at 5 and walked back next door.
as five o'clock arrived Gary knocked on the door again and waited for Lexi to step outside. He had text her and told her to dress casually, so she had chosen a pair of jeans and an off the shoulder top with some low wedges.
he stood between the houses in a pair of jeans and a tight blue t-shirt, that hugged his chest and made her heart skip a beat.
they spent the evening walking along the sand until they came to a small jetty where a small boat was docked. walking along the dock they were met by the owners and helped onto the boat. Moving to the back of the boat they were passed champagne and seated at a table looking out over the sea.
As the boat took to the water they were taken out to sea with the back drop of the Miami skyline as their view.    
A short while later they were served their food. Gary had made sure all her favorite things were on the menu, to show how much he had listened when they first met.
The started was placed on the table and Lexi smiled, her favorite Quesadilla. the main was steak in a mushroom sauce and pudding was an apple pie and custard American style.
Food finished they moved to the seating area and watch the sun setting. Curled up against his chest Lexi tried not to think about tomorrow. they hadn't talked about the end of their trips, it was like an un written rule they were both following.
As the boat turned and headed back to the docks, music played softly in the background and Gary asked her to dance.
As the music played they didn't talk at all, just moved slowly in time to the music. As the song ended Lexi turned to look at him and pulled his face to hers. she was going to miss this.
Excusing herself she made her way to the bathroom to compose herself. As she returned she found him staring out to sea a sad look on his face. trying not to startle him she moved slowly and sat back on the sofa. he turned around and sat back down with her.
All too soon they were back at port and stepping from the boat. Slowly walking back to the house, he took her hand in his and slowed their pace.
Lexi saw how close they were and held her breath. This was it time to say goodbye.
"I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful time whilst I've been here. It's been the best time of my life, I'm just sad to go home tomorrow." Lexi said looking up into his face
"you've helped give me back the inspiration I needed to help finish the album. I can't wait for you to hear it when were back home" He said with a gleam in his eye
"I have to leave early in the morning, so I need to say goodbye now. seeing you tomorrow would only make it harder for me to leave and it's going to be hard enough as it is" She said reaching up to kiss him. He pulled her closer and kissed her tenderly.
this was it his last kiss with her, the thought hit his stomach like a lead weight. how had three weeks passed so quickly. As he kissed her he breathed in her perfume trying to remember every single detail of her, as if he was never going to see her again.
As Lexi pulled away from the kiss she hugged him with all her might and turned to walk away.
"bye" she said holding back the tears threatening to fall down her cheeks
"bye Lexi" he said lifting his hand to wave as he had the first time he had seen her walking back to the house.
Lexi stood by the stairs and composed herself, there was no way she would crumble now, this was their last night and they were going to enjoy it.
Stepping on the decking Phoebe walked across and hugged her and Jackie passed her a glass of wine.
they talked for a few hours and took their last walk to the edge of the sea and back again, ready for their early wakeup call in the morning.
Lexi lay awake staring at the ceiling. she hadn't walked onto the balcony this evening, she couldn't risk seeing him again. somewhere around 2am she fell asleep.

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