Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
"Did you pick up the suntan lotion?" Lexi shouted outside to Leanne as she packed the car.
"Ummm no I thought Liz was picking that up?" Leanne said trying to stuff another suitcase in the boot. If only she had a big strapping man to help, she could think of a few. Sighing she closed the boot and headed back inside.
"I'll ring her and see if she got it" Lexi said picking up her phone and bag.
"Don't bother" Leanne said walking to the front room to get her things, "we will be picking her up any second and if she hasn't, they do sell it where we are going you know" she laughed, pushing Lexi out the door.
"Okay last check, show me your passport" She said standing by the car door.
Leanne opened her bag and pulled out her passport. "Happy now" she said " Now can we leave?"
They both opened their doors and sat in the car, adjusting seats and making last minute checks.
Leanne started the car and drove the short distance to pick up Elizabeth. Pulling into the drive they saw her standing by the front door, suitcase at her feet and a huge smile on her face. As they parked the car they dived out and hugged their friend.
"Yayyyyyyy were going on holiday" Liz said hugging both Leanne and Lexi again at the same time. "I've been ridiculously excited all day, I thought someone was going to lock me in a cupboard to shut me up" she laughed "not that that would have worked" she snorted.
"Don't worry I've been the same!" Lexi said grabbing Liz's suitcase and opening the boot. "Umm Leanne who taught you to pack a car?" She asked staring at a bombsite that was the scene before her.
Leanne laughed and walked behind the car.  Hands on her hips she smiled and said "what I think I did a pretty good job"
Lexi laughed and turned to Liz, "I'm sorry mate, but yours will have to go in the back with you, there's no way we will fit that in" she laughed and opened the back door to place the suitcase on the back.
"Harsh" Leanne said
"True" replied Liz.
Lexi laughed as she looked at her friends. They had always been like this. All of them, her girls. The laughter always ran freely and easily, with their teasing of each other.
They had been there for each other through so much over the years, that none of them could ever imagine life without the others.
Getting into the car Leanne turned on the radio, they all smiled at each other as everything changes blared through the speakers.
"Well there's our good omen" Liz said smiling "This is going to be an amazing holiday"
"Airport here we come" Leanne said starting the car.
Lexi settled back for the long journey to the airport and sent a group message, telling the others they were on their way.
A few hours later they arrived at their destination and unpacked the car ready to catch the shuttle to their terminal. The picked up their cases and made their way to the nearest shuttle stop and patiently waited for the bus to arrive.
A short time later they walked through the terminal doors and into the airport.
Lexi loved this feeling. Watching people milling around; all on an adventure to someplace else.
Checking the board, they noticed that their desk was open and started walking towards the que that had already started to form. As they got closer they could see a group of girls near the desk they were headed for. Once of the girls lifted her head and squealed, which in turn made the others look up and the noise grew louder.
The group was all there, all ready to go. As they said their hello's the excitement grew and they made their way to the check in desk, to get their holidays started.
After shopping and a meal, they made their way to the gate and waited for boarding to start. This was the exciting bit, waiting to board the plane. Lexi loved it, it was the actual start to the holiday, once that plane door closed they were off. To an adventure in another country not yet visited before.
Their seat numbers were called and they entered the plane, finding their seats and settling in. Magazines and books placed in the seat fronts, snacks placed besides them.
They had been lucky, they had managed to book three rows to themselves, so they could all travel together.
The door closed and the tannoy binged into life....
"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this 747 flight direct to Miami International. Our estimated time of arrival is 5pm local time, with a flight time of 9 hours and 45 minutes. we do hope you enjoy your flight"
Lexi looked to her right and smiled. This was going to be a holiday of a lifetime.

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