Chapter 4

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They spent the day sunbathing and catching up on much needed sleep. the height of the wall surrounding their space enabled them to hear the people on the beach, but stopped anyone from looking in on them.
Lexi woke up feeling more refreshed and sat up from her lounger. she looked around at her friends, some sleeping, some reading, but all relaxed. As she stood she stretched and looked across at Elizabeth. "Fancy a swim" she said looking towards the sea.
"ooo id love one" Liz said following Lexi towards the stairs.
As they walked across the sand towards the sea, Lexi looked around at the people enjoying their day on the beach. This really was the life. If only they could stay here forever.
Liz stepped into the water and squealed " Christ its cold" she said running back towards Lexi.
"come on its easier when you just get it out the way" She said walking as fast as she could. she kept walking until she reached a depth she knew she could submerge in. Dunking her head under the water she nearly gasped. It was freezing, it felt like tiny shards of ice were piercing her skin. Knowing it wouldn't last long she started swimming to pump the blood around her body.
After a while they started swimming back towards their house and onto the beach. Lexi squeezed the water out of her hair as she made her way up the beach. Again, out the corner of her eye she has seen a figure in the top window looking out and then it was gone.
"you seen anything of the group next door?" Lexi asked Liz as they reached the house.
" I haven't, but Phoebe said she saw a car drive away earlier with tinted windows. Must be rich" she said.
Lexi told her about that morning and Liz laughed " you probably scared whoever it was. they probably thought they were the only ones outside"
As they stepped back on the decking they saw that everyone had already headed inside to change for their evening out.
Everyone looked amazing. glowing with the first day of sun they had caught. They had each picked a summer dress to wear, telling each other it was to be a relaxed night without even saying the words.
Lexi ordered the Ubers and they headed into South beach to a restaurant they had seen online months ago. It was the type of place you had to book six months in advance for and they couldn't wait.
Arriving they were taken through the restaurant to their table and each passed a drinks menu. They each chose a different cocktail and gazed in awe when they arrived at the table. Each huge glass was filled with of sweets floating in a sea of alcohol, bubbling away with dry ice. They passed the drinks around the table, taking sips and fishing a sweet from the bottom of the glasses.
The waiter arrived to take their food order and what felt like moments later the plates arrived.
They finished their meal and headed back to the house, each a little tipsy and giggly from the sugar rush.
In the kitchen Leanne put on the radio and found a station which was playing songs they at least knew. Pouring more drinks, they headed outside too chat and enjoy the warm night air.
Lexi finished her drink she turned to the group saying "just going for a quick walk. be back in a minute" and made her way back to the beach. walking slowly to the water's edge, she looked up at the full moon, its light casting a silver glow across the water.
As the cool water lapped at her feet, she realized how drunk she was. she spent a few minutes looking out to sea and turned to head back inside. She looked to the house next to theirs and noticed a light on in the top window. She looked closer and noticed there was a figure on the balcony staring out at the sea. She realized she had stopped walking and was staring, but unable to look away. she couldn't see his face but she knew he was looking right at her. he raised a hand off the railing in a small wave and Lexi found herself raising her hand awkwardly back.
All of a sudden, she heard Leanne calling to her from the house and hurried back, her bed calling her as tiredness over taking her again. Hopefully she would sleep better tonight.

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