Chapter 14

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As Lexi changed her outfit she could hear the girls downstairs playing music and she laughed as the song changed and one of grays solo songs started. she realized she was suddenly nervous. in her excitement she hadn't thought about what this actually meant. She was going to be seeing him alone, spending an intimate few hours whilst he finished his song. she hadn't expected him to ask her and this was a big deal.
Suddenly the butterflies started as she realized he must really like her to allow her a glimpse into his world.
She checked the time and saw it was nearly time to go. Picking up her purse and phone she headed downstairs to find the others all stood in the hallway.
"cars here" Liz said excitedly " mark just popped his head round to say they are a little early"
"right girls, let's leave her to go see her man" Jackie winked at her and ushered the others away.
from inside the room she could hear shouts of " have a fab time" and "don't do anything I wouldn't do"
She opened the door and found Mike leaning on the car reading something on his phone as Liz hugged her good bye and ran back in the house. as he looked up he put his phone in his pocket and walked to the car door and opened it for her.
"hi Lexi, I'm mike" he said holding his hand out for her to shake.   
"hi" she replied. "thank you for picking me up"
"my pleasure" he said closing the door. "traffics been quite light today, so we should be at the studio in around ten minutes. There's bottled water in the back if you want anything, just help yourself."
Lexi looked to where he had pointed to find a little fridge built into the back of one of the chairs. "thank you" she said clicking her seatbelt into place.
mike started the car and they started on their journey. Lexi looked out of the window enjoying seeing a new different part of Miami. There were so many different art deco buildings to see here, it was beautiful to see.
After what seemed like only few minutes she heard Mike talking on the phone " Hi mate, were about two minutes away. yeah, all fine, will see you shortly"
Lexi felt the butterflies start again and her stomach flipped as they turned the corner and she could see Gary stood patiently outside the building ahead. mike pulled the car up beside him and Gary opened the door. He held his hand out for her and she took it, grateful for the support as she was sure her legs didn't want to support her on their own.
he leant into the car and thanked mike for dropping her off and closed the door. As the car drove away he looked at her and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear he gave her that heartbreaking smile. He took her hand and walked her to the door and typed in a code, stepping back he opened the door for her to enter.
the air-conditioning was perfect as she stepped in from the heat. she looked around the room, so many gold disks hang on all the walls. This was so weird so many songs she had heard over the years had been made here. she realized he was stood watching her as she read along the wall.
"sorry" she said blushing again " this is brilliant, I know so many of these songs. You never really think about where they are produced"
"take your time" he smiled at her. walking over he took her hand in his and slowly followed where she led him.
As he took her hand Lexi felt a jolt of electricity flow up her arm. Just the small act of him taking her hand made her heart race. It felt so right as he intertwined his fingers with hers.  she looked across at him reading one of the discs and he turned to face her.
"ready to see the studio?" he asked raising his eyebrows
"absolutely" she replied, moving aside so he could lead the way. As they walked down the corridor Lexi expected to see people working, but she hadn't seen anyone from the second she had walked into the building.
As they reached the end of the corridor he released her hand so he could type in another number into a key pad. As the door opened he moved aside again to allow her to walk through. she walked into another large space, this time filled with dials and equipment and a glass partition, filled with a piano and other instrument. A large mic hanging from the ceiling.
She noticed two men sat on the sofas at the back of the room and they stood as soon as Gary turned to them.
"Guys this is Lexi" he said introducing her to them "she's going to hang here whilst we do my vocals."
"No problem, nice to meet you. I'm James and this is Eric. There's a fridge just over there so please help yourself to anything"
"right Gary you ready to get these vocals down?" Eric said moving over to the controls and taking a seat "you can sit here if you like" he said pulling out a chair for Lexi.
"thank you" she said taking a seat and watching as Gary walked through into the sound booth and gave her a wink.
"Okay let's finish the one from yesterday, I recon a few takes on that one and it should be done" James said adjusting a few dials.
for the next hour Lexi watched as Gary sang his harmonies and lead vocals on the new tracks. she felt so content listening to his voice, it was effortless for him. They moved onto the next song and finally it was all finished.
"That's a wrap mate" Eric said, "as usual it's been a pleasure" he said smiling at Gary through the glass.
"yeah were going to take these off now and put the final touches to them, we'll send over the links later so you can check them out" With that they both stood said good bye to Lexi and walked through the door.
Lexi looked back into the sound booth to find Gary staring back at her. He lifted a finger and beckoned her into the room. Butterflies filed her stomach and she stood up and made her way through the door.
Gary sat at the piano smiling as she closed the door. Lexi walked over and leant against the piano, running her hand over the side of the black wood. it really was beautiful, as was the man sat in front of it.
"what did you think?" he asked watching her move around the piano. 
"I think it was perfect" she said stopping a few steps away from him.
"I'm glad you like it, for some reason it really matters that you like it" he cleared his throat almost embarrassed and what he said.
Lexi leant on the piano and put her head in her hands. tilting her head to one side she smiled and shyly said "play something for me"
Placing his fingers on the keys he started to play. she could watch him all day in his element, happiest sat at the piano. his fingers flying across the keys, playing a tune she didn't know yet. she had never felt so special in her life as he sang the words that went with the music, only to her. As he finished he laughed and said "that one's not finished yet, I've been looking for the right lyrics and they've evaded me so far" he said really looking at her.
Smiling he tapped the seat by the side of him and she walked over and sat next to him. He moved ever so slightly so both of his arm and leg were touching hers. Lexi felt that feeling again at the contact and took a deep breath.
"Pick a song" he said looking at her over his shoulder.
Lexi smiled and sat forward. from a young age her mother had paid for piano lessons, but as she got older she had stopped unable to afford them anymore. she thought back to the times in her room when she had taught herself a bar or two of one of his songs. placing her hands on the keys in keys in front of her, she smiled at him and played the first three bars of forever love. Turning crimson at his expression she awkwardly placed her hands back in her lap and laughed.
"You play?" he said wide eyed
"Not really. I was never much good and I had to give up, but not before I had learnt that. that's the only bit I remember I'm afraid" she said looking into his eyes.
Nodding at her he placed his hands back on the keys and carried on where she had left off. Singing to her he kept looking to see if he could see how she was feeling. he hadn't ever shared this kind of moment with anyone before. he was always worried about dating fans that he had tried to keep his music and relationships separate. Surprised at himself that he had wanted to share this with her.
he felt her head rest against his shoulder sending a heat from her touch straight to his chest. he almost forgot the lyrics to his own song at that contact, what the hell was she doing to him. he turned slightly and placed a kiss against her hair.
Suddenly she stood up and sat sideways on his lap and rested her head against his neck, he could feel each breath she took as it gently caressed his skin. not wanting to break the moment he started to play again. he was never good at talking he always found it easier to sing, as he played don't need a reason, hoping what he was singing said what he wanted to say.
Lexi closed as her eyes as he played the first bar of the next song knowing instantly what it was. she composed herself and let herself get lost in the music. She had heard this song a million times and loved every second of it.
As he finished playing Lexi shifted her position and looked deeply into his eyes " Thank you" she said as she leant forward and kissed his lips.
A second later she felt his hands move to her. One hand moving gently up her back, the other tracing the curve of her leg before cupping her face gently. This kiss was different from the one the night before, even though she could feel the passion behind it, it was soft and sensual, more controlled.
She felt herself being lifted as he carried her over to sofa to the side of the room. lying her gently down on the cushions his gaze carried over her entire body, before he lay beside her. he traced a line across her collar bone, placing a kiss each time he moved further up her neck until he kissed her again. His big strong hands were holding her as close as should could get. She thought she might explode at the intimacy she felt right then, every kiss sending her pulse soaring. she placed a hand to his chest and she could feel his heart beat racing in time with hers.
Gary realized this was going too fast, he had no idea how this had gone so far. He was losing all control with this girl, every time she touched him he lost his head. gently pulling away from her, he looked into her eyes, he could see a fire burning that matched his own. He pulled her up and heard her groan.
Standing by the sofa he took her head in his hands " this is going to fast I'm sorry" he said placing a kiss in her hair again. " I have no idea what I'm doing around you"    
"please stop apologizing" she said breathlessly, willing her heart to slow down. she closed her eyes as he pulled her into hug. as his arms wrapped round her waist she sighed this felt so good. his arms were so strong and firm, it was like she melted into him. releasing his hold, he took her hand and started walking to the door.
"I don't know about you" he said " but I'm in no rush to head back.   
Shaking her head in agreement they walked to the door.
"let's get some food" he said " there's a deli around the corner I've been too a few times, it does amazing bagels"
"sounds perfect" she said as they walked out of the building and made their way around the corner.
As they ordered he kept his arm around her waist, not wanted to break contact with her. She leant back into him and smiled to herself.
carrying their food to their table they sat and ate. he asked her questions about her life and she found herself easily answering him, telling him everything he wanted to know.
People had been coming in and out as they sat there and they realized they had been there for quite some time and they were starting to close up.
"fancy walking back" he asked tilting his head slightly.
"yeah id love that" she said putting her arm around his waist.
Knowing it would take over an hour to get back they headed towards the beach to walk the distance back across the sand. she knew he had done this on purpose as she loved the beach so much and she sighed contently as they walked along the shore.
every now and again he would stop and kiss her before carrying on through the sands holding her hand.
This must be what happiness really was Lexi thought as she walked along.

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