Chapter 17

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Lexi woke the next morning and slowly opened her eyes. she didn't recognize the room and her pillow was a little firmer than she remembered it being. then she remembered where she was a smile creeping across her face.
looking up from the firm chest her head was rested on she saw him slowly open his eyes and smile in return. As he stretched he pulled her closer and gently kissed her head a look of content on his face. they lay there for another ten minutes both dozing for a few minutes more.
Suddenly he moved quickly and she found herself on her back.
"good morning" he said placing a kiss in her lips. He looked even more beautiful this morning than he did last night. Trying to fight the last dregs of sleep he looked so cute.
" good morning " she replied and pulled him to her. "what time is it" she asked jumped reaching for her phone. she remembered her phone was across the room in her jacket pocket and stared at it longingly not wanting to move.
Gary lifted his wrist to check his watch "half eight" he said pulling a face " I have to go soon. I could always tell them I'll meet them later?"
"no way, you have an album to finish and I will not be the reason it doesn't get finished" she grinned as he threw back his head and laughed.
"fine" he said sitting up, "but you can't go home without a shower" he said wiggling his eyebrows at her.
Lifting her off the bed he carried her into the bathroom and kicked the door shut.
Half an hour later Lexi was dressed and Gary checked to see if the coast was clear. Lexi left the house through the front door kissing him before she ducked back out.
Now to get in her own house without seeing anyone. no such luck. As she made her way around to the back door she found a few people already sat on the chairs outside.
"morning Lexi" Jackie said grinning at her friend, "good evening?" she asked
" yes thanks" she laughed as he walked past avoiding any eye contact and ran up to her room.
Changing her clothes, she headed back downstairs and ate breakfast ready for their day at the everglades. As she settled into the Uber she felt her phone vibrate. she opened the phone and read the message on her screen.
"I think today might be a late one. we've a few days to get the rest of these tracks down. Not sure if I will be able to get away later. I'll let you know how it goes x"
They hadn't made any plans as she left, knowing that the next few days were crucial for them and the album. but she still couldn't help but feel disappointed at the realization that she wouldn't get to see him.
She quickly typed back " hope it all goes well. you guys are amazing at what you do, you will get this finished in no time x" Closing her phone she looked out the window at the passing grasslands.
as they reached the Everglades they found their tour guide and listened to the rules of the day. Any moment now they were going to be in a small boat potentially surrounded by crocodiles and they were all nervous.
After their tour had finished they moved into the dining area and ordered their meals. as they finished they saw the gift shop was on their way out, and they spent the next half an hour looking through all the trinkets and picking their mementos to take home.
Calling for another Uber they stood outside in the sun with ice cold slushy drinks and waited.
back at the house they changed into their bikinis and headed onto the beach. the only way you would have known there was a storm the night before was by the larger stones that had been thrown onto the beach from the waves.
Laying down Lexi fell instantly asleep. the lack of sleep the night before catching up with her. she woke to Jackie gently shaking her shoulder as she realized it was raining.
The next few days flew by, between catching a few minutes with Gary each morning as they sat in the sand, to the packing and shopping for the last-minute bits to take home.

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