Chapter 10

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A few days passed without them hearing a sound from the house next door. they were almost convinced that they had left, when Lexi heard music float through her window.
Leanne popped her head through the door and listened. a smile on her face she turned to Lexi and said " they're back" still smiling she left the room and headed back down stairs.
Setting the table for lunch they looked through the remaining list of activities they wanted to do before they left, when they heard a knock on the front door. Liz went to open it and walked back followed by Howard and Mark.
"Girls" Liz shouted through the house. " we have guests, can you come here for a minute"
"Sorry guys we didn't realize you were about to eat" Mark said looking towards the table," we just wondered if you guys were free this evening?
"yeah, we wanted your opinion on one of the new tracks and we thought well you might like to hear it?"
"OMG we would love to" Leanne said trying not to show how excited she was.
"yeah we'd love to" Rachel said
"brilliant" mark said, " can you pop round about seven?"
"seven is perfect" Lexi said "we'll see you then"
with the excitement of hearing new music later they ate lunch quickly and thought of ways to distract themselves till that evening.
Lexi put on her shoes and headed for the beach, she still had the opposite direction to the house to check out, so she grabbed a water bottle and headed out with Elizabeth and Carlotta, to see what they could find.
Jackie decided to sit on the beach and read her book and as she found her spot she laid down her blanket and looked around at the quiet beach. Just as she looked at the water she saw someone swimming in the direction she was. A few seconds later the figure started walking out of the water and she sat open mouthed as she realized it was Jason walking towards her.
For years she had fantasized about this man, this exact scenario but with him putting her over his shoulder and carrying her away. she was glad she was wearing sunglasses as he couldn't see how lustful her stare was.
As he got further up the beach he noticed her and a smile spread across his face. Stopping in front of her she could see the water dripping down his perfectly sculpted chest. Yet again she was thankful for the sunglasses. It was taking every ounce of her strength not to reach out and touch him.
" Hey Jackie" he said looking down at her " how you doing?" before she could answer he tipped his head forward and rubbed his hair sending water flying over her.
Jackie squealed as the cold water hit her face and chest. "thanks for that Jase" she said laughing as he threw himself next to her on her towel.
"sorry couldn't help myself, you looked far too dry" winking he picked up her book and read the cover "any good?"
"can't really say I've read much of it" she said " I've been a bit distracted"
Jason laughed and looked up the beach, noticing the three girls in the distance.
"Mark said you guys are up for listening to the song?" he said looking Jackie in the eyes. she was sure she had visibly shivered with excitement but hoped to god she hadn't.
"yeah we can't wait" she said not looking away.
"what's the deal with your friend Lexi? she married, single, not interested?" he asked with a glint in his eye.
"She is very much single" Jackie replied "why do you ask?"
"I think Gary's got a bit of a thing for her, so I'm just checking things out in case he wanted to ask her out or anything" he said shrugging.
"Were here because of her actually, a while back we decided to come and she put the holiday together for us. She broke up with her other half a few months ago and so it was like it was perfect timing for her to get away" She said watching her friends walk up the beach. " he might be the perfect distraction for her"
"what happened?" he asked following her gaze.
" not much they just drifted apart really. They had a few arguments over nothing and made the joint decision to separate. She was still gutted though and I have no idea why I'm telling you all this" she laughed and looked away from him. Damn it she thought.
Jason laughed and stood up " I guess I'm just easy to talk to" he said with a wink " she you this evening Jackie" and started walking backwards towards his house, still looking at her.
Jackie turned back round. an irresistible urge to laugh at what had just happened. She was keeping this to herself, there was no way she was going to let the others rib her for this.
She picked up her book and tried to read. After ten minutes she realized she had read the same sentence over and over again, unable to concentrate. A nap may be a better idea, so picked up her things and headed back to the house.

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