Journey (Moonika's P.O.V.)

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We were about halfway to Forlourne, it had taken the best part of three days to get this far and we were getting on one anothers nerves. Kalinda was way ahead of me tired of keeping at my slow pace, I hadn't yet gathered the confidence to ride any faster. "Kalinda!" I yelled at her back. She turned her head slightly, "Wait for me!". She slowed down but didn't stop, I rolled my eyes annoyed at her for not being more patient. When I was within talking range I spoke "Kalinda-" she shushed me.

"Do you hear that?" she whispered. I frowned and listened hard, straining my ears to hear the sound. Then I heard it, a voice in the bushes, we dismounted and I grabbed the bow and arrows that Kalinda insisted on bringing. It had taken me quite a few trys just to be able to notch the arrow but now I can confidently use it. We ducked behind a fallen tree and leaned on it notching our arrows. The noise in the bush came closer, we took aim and a few seconds later a chubby man came strolling through the bushes.

"Put your hands in the air and state your business" said Kalinda. The little man jumped and looked really scared when he saw us with our arrows aimed at him. He put his hands in the air and swallowed before answering.

"I'm on my way to deliver a message" he said.

"To who?" Kalinda asked.

"To Moonika Moon" he said. I frowned confused why he would need to bring me a message, I looked at Kalinda wondering whether to say that its me he is looking for. She nodded at me and I got up from behind the log putting down the bow and arrows then held my hand out to him and said, "I'm Moonika Moon". He looked so relieved, "Boy has it been hard finding you, i've been on this journey for well over two weeks trying to find where you were". I smiled and apologised then he handed me the letter he was holding. I looked at the writing on it, it just had my name on it with a stamp saying it was from Chandra. I took a deep breath and ripped it open, there was a piece of paper inside with my parents names on it. I opened it up and saw that it was from the Chandra Missionary Agency (CMA) that my parents worked for. It read:

To Moonika Moon of Chandra,

We are sorry to inform you that your parents have not returned from the latest mission and are no where to be found.

I couldn't read any more, my hands were shaking so bad. I let the paper fall from my hands as grief collapsed on me, my knees buckled and beofre I knew it I was on the ground. Kalinda rushed over to me asking if I was alright but I was too shocked to answer her. I felt the warmth of tears streaming down my face, all that I had been taught about composing myself through all situations and not to show emotion was gone. I just let all the trapped emotions out not caring who saw them.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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