Danger Alert (Moonika's P.O.V.)

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As Kalinda dropped off the side of the rock I quickly grabbed the man and shoved him hard. As he fell he screamed something to me, it sounded like "You're not safe here". I didn't think much about it until I was lying under the stars trying to get some sleep. I kept replaying the moment when Kalinda fell off the rock, over and over and how helpless I had felt watching her and knowing that I could do nothing. I got sick of it after a while and went for a walk over the silky sand, the full moon made the sand look like silver light. I looked up at the moon shining over the ocean. 'What a beautiful night' I thought to myself. I was so mesmerised by the moon that I didn't even realise there was someone behind me until they had a hand over my mouth.


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