Intertwined Destinys (Kalinda's P.O.V)

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Xia coughed and we both looked at her, we had forgotten that she was there with everything that was going on she looked a little bit worried. "Um Kalinda? Who is that?" she sounded worried too. "I am Moonika" the girl answered. "Are you a hooded figure in disguise?" asked Xia. "No" the girl replied and Xia immediately relaxed. "It's OK Xia" I said calmly "This girl is from the territory of Chandra, you know Moon territory" I explained. "Oh OK" said Xia. "And you are?" Moonika asked. "Xia, nice to meet you" replied Xia. "So why are you here?" I asked Moonika. "I am here on a mission to stop the In-between Territory agents from coming into Chandra" she replied in a hushed tone as if we were being listened to. "Well I am on a mission to stop the same agents from destroying Sol, so maybe we could help each other" I whispered. Moonika nodded slowly considering what I had told her. "Yes if I could help you stop the agents here then that would stop them from coming into Chandra". "Um I hate to interrupt you guys but look!" said Xia urgently. I turned around to see black hooded figures running down the side of the hill. "Quick swallow these" said Moonika urgently giving both me and Xia a small blue pill. "What are they?" I asked. "They will give you the ability to breath underwater" she said. "Cool!" said Xia as she popped the pill into her mouth. I put the pill into my mouth and swallowed. The taste of salt almost made me bring the pill back up. "Now dive into the water" orded Moonika. I think Xia was excited she dived into the water first meanwhile I was a bit hesitant. "Hurry Kalinda!" Moonika said. I looked behind us and saw that the hooded figures were already about 50 metres away. I turned and ran a couple of metres in the water then when the water was up to my thighs I dived. In all the panic I had forgotten to take a deep breath before I dived and swallowed water. I came back up to the surface coughing back up water. Big mistake. One of the hooded figures grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back into shallower water. He was pretty strong and was able to drag me to knee high water. There were other hooded figures waiting on the shoreline. I kicked the figure and made him stumble backwards. Not a good idea he only got angry at me and began pulling my arm harder. I struggled to keep my head above the violent waves as I wriggled around trying to get my arm free from his iron grip. I kicked him again this time in the knee cap. There was a weird sound then the guy fell down to attended to his knee, his hood falling back to reveal marking on his temples. I gasped realising who this guy was. He was an agent from the In-between Territory and already these agents were getting ready to invade Chandra. I stood up and called to Moonika and Xia but there was no reply they were already gone.

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