Different Surroundings (Kalinda's P.O.V.)

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I woke up to find that Xia had just thrown her bottle full of water onto me; I sat up and looked around at the bright green hills where are we? I thought, not really thinking about where exactly you want to teleport can be dangerous but this time it looked as though we had landed somewhere safe.

"Are you alright Kalinda?" asked Xia.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied. I got up and took in our surroundings, we were on top of a hill and you could see the ocean and there was a little farm down the bottom of this hill; it didnt look like there was anyone there.

 "OK Xia lets go check out that farm down there" I said as I pointed downwards.

"OK" Xia replied sounding a little shaken. Well after what we had just experienced I don't blame her for feeling a bit rattled. We started down the hill to the farm, when we got there it looked like no one had been here in while so we decided we would camp out here for a few days while everything got settled in town.

We scoped out the barn and found a big area covered with hay bales “Perfect!” I said. “Are we going to sleep on those?” asked Xia. “Of course! Unless you prefer the muddy floor?” I replied with a bit of sarcasm. I re-arranged some of the hay bales so that I had a flat surface about the size of a double bed, then helped Xia with her bed. “OK im going to go to the beach to find some driftwood, want to come?” I asked Xia. “Yes! Oh you are so not leaving me here alone not after what happened this morning!” I had been waiting for Xia to crack I knew her too well. "OK then lets get going before it gets too dark" I said as I walked out the door. On the beach was beautiful there was a full moon rising into the black velvet sky, it had definitely got dark quickly it had taken us about half an hour to get to the beach, longer than I had expected. “Well Xia lets get some firewood” I said feeling some energy returning to me. I turned around and didn’t see Xia anywhere “Xia?” I called out but no reply came. I scanned all around to make sure there were no more of those hooded figures but there was no sign of any. “Kalinda”, came Xia’s hushed whisper I looked to where the voice had come from but I couldn’t see Xia. “Xia? Where are you?” I asked into the darkness, then I saw something move in the bushes “Kalinda, over here” came her voice again so I followed the direction it came from and sure enough I saw Xia's shadow outlined in the bushes. When I got to her hiding spot she pulled me in "Look there is someone walking along the beach” she whispered pointing towards a figure silhouetted against the moon. It was a girl or a guy with really long hair, but she or he stopped walking and looked around as if someone was following them. “I know you're out there” she called in the direction of the bushes we were hiding in "Who are you?" she asked. she definitely knew we were hiding here I thought to myself. "What are we going to do?" whispered Xia, in reply to Xia’s question I slowly walked out of our hiding spot toward the girl on the beach. “Kalinda!” Xia urgently whispered “Come on” I whispered back. We approached the girl “Who are you?” the girl asked again. “Why should we tell you? You could be one of those hooded people” I said tension showing in my voice “Hooded people have been after you?” she asked turning to face us. “Yeah and we are trying to hide from them” I replied recognising her from my vision except she didnt have the markings on her face and her arms and legs were covered. “How did you get all the way out here? This place is far away from civilisation” she asked sounding a little suspicious of us. "Well um.. we” I didn’t get far before she cut me off. “The truth not a made up story, tell me how you got here and who you are or ill have to force it out of you!” I was a bit taken aback I had just thought she was a normal girl but there was something about her, she was hiding something. “OK well we were being attacked by the hooded figures and my friend was captured and taken into their van then I broke into the van and grabbed her hand and we came here” I explained. “How did you just get here?” she asked “Well um I don’t know if you’re going to believe this but I can um teleport, its um part of my power” It felt a bit strange to tell someone exactly who I was after 16 years of hiding my true identity. The strange girl gasped I looked up from the ground. “You’re from the territory of Sol?” she asked sounding utterly flabbergasted. “Um yeah aren’t you?” I asked. “No im from the territory of Chandra” she replied. “Wait so you are from the Moon territory?” I asked. “And you are from the Sun territory?” she asked back.


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