Unexpected Company (Kalinda's P.O.V.)

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I called to them again but there was only the sound of the gusty wind and the roar of the sea. I heard some splashing behind me then felt a hand grip my arm again. I knew my chances of getting away were slim as there were a lot of agents on the shore. But despite my chances I swung my elbow around and got the guy in a ribs. I clawed at his hand and he let go of my arm. I ran a couple of metres into the waves and dove under. I swam into deeper water, my lungs were burning from lack of oxygen and I was scared to breathe in the ocean. I swam a couple of metres then took a deep breath. I almost choked the taste of salt water was horrible and it stung my throat. But it was a relief for my lungs. I didn't know where I was even supposed to be going let alone the general direction. I swam to the surface to see if I knew where I was. I did a 360 scan of my surroundings and saw a little cove in the distance. By the time I got there I was beyond exhausted and my limbs felt like they were made of jelly. I lay there on the sand wondering what to do next. I heard the sound of someone walking on the sand. I looked up to find I was staring into the face of an agent. He pulled me up by my hair "Ouch you know that's actually attached to my head moron!" I said. "Oh im sorry does that hurt you?" he said mockingly as he pulled it even harder. I gave him my deadliest look. He laughed at my anger which made me even more furious. I roundhouse kicked him in the side and heard the wind exhale out if him. "Haha who's laughing now jerk!" I said as I ran a few metres up the beach. "Im going to kill you!" he screamed at me. I put on a mock scared face then laughed. He came running at me I dodged his attack and ran to some rocks. I scrambled up to the top of a big rock then found myself at a dead end. I looked back and saw that the agent was struggling to get up to this rock. I turned back and looked down over the edge. There was about a 25 metre drop. I didn't want to jump off the rock but what choice did I have? I could try and fight him off but then could also risk falling off the rock. The agent got up onto the rock "I've got you now girlie" he chuckled. "I don't think so dirtbag" I replied as I saw Moonika slowly creeping towards the man. The agent swiped a punch at me but I ducked out of the way and threw a punch at his stomach, he stumbled then regained his balance. Moonika was getting ready to jump onto the rock when the agent faked a punch to my stomach and instead got me on my right cheek. I took a step back, I was too close to the edge for comfort now. Moonika jumped onto the rock and took the man by surprise he took a step towards me and I leapt onto his back. “What the hell?” he muttered in confusion. He was quite unstable and he was going way too close to the edge. His hand grabbed my ankle and pulled me off his back and threw me onto the rock. I was so close to the edge of the rock now that I was looking over it. Moonika yelled something in another language and I turned to see her leaping off a higher rock glowing blue. The man braced himself for the impact of her kick, by then I had already gotten up. There was a loud crunching sound as she kicked the agent in the chest and he came flying in my direction. “Move Kalinda!” yelled Moonika. But before I knew what was happening the guy had landed at my feet. He opened his eyes and stared at me then a grin came across his face. Before I could make a move he grabbed my leg and pulled it towards him then pushed back the other way sending me off the edge of the rock. I didn’t even have time to scream, it had all happened so fast. I hit the sand below with a dull thud and a crack. I wasn’t quite sure what the crack was because I was sure I hadn’t broken anything. I rolled over and looked up at the rock and saw Moonika leaning over the edge. “Are you alright?” she called. “I think so” I called back. My muscles were a little sore from the impact but apart from that I was fine. I looked around and saw what must have made the cracking sound. The agent was lying very still on a rock, “Hey Moonika how did he get down here?” I called. “I threw him off after he pushed you” she yelled. Well at least we didn’t have to worry about him anymore I thought. 


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