Rescue Mission? (Kalinda's P.O.V.)

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A few days later Moonika was up and about almost like nothing had happened and we were making a plan of our rescue mission to retreive Xia."So you say that this Forlourne area was not heavily guarded? And that is the most likely place to find Xia?" Moonika asked. I nodded.

She sighed "OK then we head out for Forlourne tomorrow, do you have a map of Sol? I have only been to this territory on a handful of occasions".

"Yeah i'll get it" I said walking over to the bookshelf and pulling out various books and papers before finally finding it. "Here you go" I said as I passed it to Moonika. She took and started to search, I reached over and turned the map the right way.

"Oh thanks" Moonika blushed as she realised she was trying to reading it upside down. I tried not to laugh at her mistake as she was from Chandra which was under the sea so things would be different there.

"So um whats Chandra like?" I asked.

"Oh its really great, and so different from things here" she said still studying the map, "I should take you there one day" she said as she looked up from the map.

"Yeah know I can't really breath underwater" I said.

Moonika laughed "you can take a special tablet that can allow you to breath water without it affecting your body".

"Really? Do you have to take the tablet?" I asked.

"No I was born with the ability to breath water and air naturally, but some people from Chandra can only breath water or can only breath air for a certain period of time" she explained.

"What happens if they breath air for too long?" I asked.

"Well...they start to dehydrate rapidly and eventually die" she said quietly looking away.

"Oh..." I said awkwardly wondering what she was thinking.

"Anyway we have work to do so you figure out that map and im going to go...fetch something, i'll be back later" she said quickly and hurried out the door before I could ask where she was going.

I grabbed the map and began searching, It was going to take days to reach Forlourne I thought looking at the mountains and rivers we would have to cross on our way. By the time I had finished working out and marking our route it was dark and I soon felt tired I leaned my head on the couch and soon fell asleep.


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