Memory Cont. (Moonika's P.O.V.)

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I could hear voices whispering nearby, I tried to open my eyes but they weren't willing to co-operate. Instead I tried to think of where I could be, I could feel that I was underwater and taste that I was in the sea. So I must be in Chandra I thought. It did feel good to be back home where I belong, but I knew I couldn't stay long, As soon as I've healed enough I'll go back to the territory of Sol and find Kalinda and Xia I thought. I felt the water swirl and realised someone was near me.

"Who's there?" I asked. The person put a hand to my forehead and muttered something I couldn't understand.

"Moonika? Can you hear me? It's Doctor Coleman, do you remember me?" he said. Dr Coleman was the guy who had helped me regain the use of my left arm when it was severly damaged in training.

"Yes, hello doc" I replied.

"Moonika can you please try to open your eyes?" he asked. I tried opening them and got them open a little bit.

"That's good Moonika, just keep trying to open them every now and then and you'll get there" he said encouragingly. I tried a couple more times and got them open, I took in my surroundings and found myself in the hospital. I tried to sit up but fell back onto the soft seaweed bed in pain. I looked down at where I had got shot with the arrow, a waterproof bandage was wrapped tightly around my torso.

"How does it feel?" asked Dr Coleman.

"Sore but I can deal with it" I replied.

"You always have been a fighter Moonika" he chuckled, remembering.

"You can't let things like this bring you down, or you won't get anywhere in life" I said.

"You make a good point" he agreed.

"So where are your parents these days?" he asked. I looked away remembering the last time I saw them.

"The Agents from the In-between Territory captured them and I havent seen them since" I said showing no emotion.

"Oh thats too bad, they were good people" he said slowly. I closed my eyes and rested, trying to regain my strength as fast as possible.

"Well I have other patients to attend to" Dr Coleman mumbled as he awkwardly left the room. Leaving me in silence. After a while I started drifting into unconsiousness, until I heard footsteps enter the room. Sensing something odd I bolted upright ignoring the pain it caused.

"Well I didn't expect to see you in a hospital, Moonika" said Yue, my old enemy from training.

"Well I didn't expect you to come by and visit me if I did end up in one" I retaliated. "So why are you here?" I asked wondering why she wanted to see me after all the fights we had had over the years of our training.

"I don't know my parents told me that your parents...died-"

"They did NOT die!" I cut in, letting too much anger escape.

"You know you can't hide from things all your life Moonika" she said.

"I don't hide from things" I intercepted.

"Please Moonika we know that you hide behind your fierce fighting, it's the only thing you really care about" she said quietly. I looked away remembering the times I had threatened people when they came close to the personal stuff in my life.

"I don't hide behind my fighting, I just...hide my emotions thats all" I said.

"Why?" she asked simply. I looked at her to see if she was being serious, her brown eyes looked sincere and her blonde hair framed her innocent looking face.

" know what? I don't even know why you care so much." I lost my nerve for a second.

 "Wow Moonika you don't have to be a such cow" she scowled at me. "I really only came to drop you a letter but nevermind then" she said as she walked out the door. I leapt off of the bed and ran to her my stomach painfully disagreeing to being moved in such a rush.

"No give me the letter" I panted, the pain making my breath come in little gasps. She turned to face me while I caught my breath.

"Fine here" she said. I ripped open the letter, secretly hoping it would be my parents.

Our Dear Moonika,

We are sorry to have been away for so long, we are away on a secret mission and hope to be back in Chandra soon. This is all we can say about the mission as you know. We love you.

Mum & Dad xox

I smiled, happy to hear from them again and confirm the rumour about them being killed was nonsense. I walked slowly back to my hospital room still in pain.

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