Fate (Moonika's P.O.V.)

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I woke to find I was in a small cell that was damp and smelt of mould, I sat up only to catch the attention of the gaurds. "Why am I here?" I asked as I walked over to the barrier, the metal cold against my arms. They looked at me then laughed, I sighed getting fustrated.

"Whats wrong with you? Don't you understand english?" I said through clenched teeth.

"We understand you, just can't be bothered talking to a demanding brat" he said coming closer to the cell.

"Huh lazy and dumb" I spat.

"I'll kill you!" he screamed. As he threw a cup at the cells barrier, the shattered pieces flying everywhere as I backed away.

"I highly doubt you could even lay a single finger on me, let alone kill me" I said.

"Your gonna wish you were more fresh on your manners missy" he said angrily as he unlocked the door to the cell.

"Come on then, pig" I said taking a battle stance. He threw a punch and I grabbed his arm kicking him in the gut, he doubled over on the ground. "I think you need to work on your technique and well, everything else" I smirked. He chuckled and grabbed my leg, I clawed his arm but he wasn't letting go. He pulled himself up and jerked my leg forward making me fall. I kicked him with my other leg getting his arm, pulling my leg free I ran for the door but he was quicker than I expected, pulling my hair then grabbing my waist. I kicked as hard as I could but he didn't let go only tightened his grip.

"Now i'm going to kill you silly girl" he said.

"Oh really? Well that will just have to wait because I was enjoying kicking your ass!" I replied ripping my knife from the strap on my thigh. I swung the knife blindly behind me, when he swore I knew I had got him. I used the opportunity to get free and managed to make it to the door before I realised I was trapped in the cell without the key. I turned and saw the guy pulling my knife from his shoulder.

"You will pay for this!" he screamed in pain and anger. He held the knife up as he ran towards me. I ducked his attack and ran to the other side of the tiny cell. I caught sight of his keys hanging from his belt. "Trapped now arnt ya?" he said smiling. I ran straight for him dodging his swipe with my knife and catching him in the groin as I grabbed the knife and threw it away. Turning my head in time to receive his punch knocking me to the ground. He grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet. "Look" he said as I turned to see another gaurd pointing a gun at me on the other side of the metal bar barrier. "Make another move and your dead" he spat as he pushed me to the floor. He hit me so many times I felt numb with pain and was glad when he finally knocked me unconsious with a punch to my temple.


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