Fate Cont (Kalinda's P.O.V.)

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"Come on Spirit, good girl" I said encouragingly to the horse. I could see the In-between territory rising up from the ground a few k's ahead. "Nearly there" I leaned forward on Spirit and sent her into a gallop, wind whipping through my hair. When we reached the gates a man in a hood stopped us "Whats your purpose in Forlourne?" he said gruffly.

"Forlourne? I asked.

"Yes it is the name of this area, whats your purpose here?" he replied.

"Oh I have got to meet someone" I lied.

"Alright then" he said giving me a look of suspicion. He opened the gates and I rode through feeling a little creeped out, it was so depressing seeing people look so miserable. The building were all dark colours covered in soot from the factories up ahead.

"Excuse me sir? Could you please tell me where to find the Agents?" I asked a man dressed in dirty rags. He looked startled and stared at me as if I was a giant about to stand on him.

"Oh um..yes ma'am up ahead then turn right its a big building hard to miss" he replied in a shaky voice.

"Thank you" I said as I kicked Spirits sides and we trotted off in the direction he pointed out. People stared as I rode Spirit through the street all had the same look of sadness in their eyes, I tried to keep my head down and ride quickly. We took the next right and saw the Agents building rising high up into the sky. I got down off Spirit and walked to the entrance where the two guards asked what my business was.

"I am here to see a friend" I replied.

"What is your friends name?" one asked.

"Moonika" I said cautiously. The gaurds looked at each other then one walked off through a door to the side of the small room. He came back with another gaurd who nodded and brought out handcuffs.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he came towards me.

"Taking precautions" he answered. I rolled my eyes and held out my hands, then was walked into another room where a gaurd unlocked a heavy-looking door that led to an old and mouldy smelling stone staircase. I was pushed along down the stairs and nearly screamed when I saw a rat scurry across the step below. Oh no not rats I thought.

"Not scared of rats are ya?" one gaurd laughed. I ignored him and carried on, relaxing when we finally came to another room that wasnt covered in slime or smelt as bad as the staircase.

"Who have we here?" asked a guard who was getting up from an old sofa.

"I'm looking for Moonika" I replied.

"Ah yes the Moon girl, well im sorry but she can't see you right now" he said.

"Why not?" I asked scowling at him "Where is she?"

"Shes in that cell over there" he said pointing to a metal cage-like barrier. I walked over to the cell with the gaurds still at my sides. Then I saw her all bloody and broken looking and my heart sunk through the floor.

"You killed her you bastards!" I screamed kicking the gaurds and charging at the one who was responsible.

"She's not dead you naive little girl" he said. I stopped dead.

"Shes not dead?" I asked, "Then can I see her?". He thought about it for a second.

"Yeah alright but no funny business or the both of you will be dead before you know it" he said as he unlocked the cell door. I ran to Moonika crouching over her limp body already glowing orange.

"Hey!" yelled the guard as he came for us. But it was too late.


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