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Sweat ran down my brow. Air flowed through my lungs. Hurting. Burning. Tears stained my face, adding to the moisture already there. Fire licked at my arms. Throat burning, I pulled against him.

"I can't leave her!" I screamed, pulling harder with each passing second. Muscular arms wrapped around mine. I sent a threatening glare his way.

"She's gone, Mel! We can't help her now!"

"I can't leave her!"

"You'll die!"

I couldn't breathe, the smoke growing thick. Head pulsing, I still fought. But before I could break free of his hold, the hallway collapsed. Time seemed to freeze. Realization rained down on me.


The scream echoed in my head. Eyes cracking open, I looked at the same white ceiling I did every day. Just as I thought I was getting better I go and have another nightmare. And it would've kept going to if there wasn't a knock at the do—


I quickly threw the covers off me and sat up just before the door opened.

The white coat swished behind him and I frowned. The tap tap tap of his pen on paper sent small chills down my spine. Was it really that time again? Did he really have to be here? Why can't I just go home?

Crabby hands swung my desk chair to the bed. A scrawny man sat. Click of the pen.  Cold smile.

"Let's get started."

**Yes. Let's.**

Running From InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now