26. The Pink, the Girl, and the Hidden Room

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"I can't sense anyone," I informed the boys, staring at the house in front of us. "At least, not anyone unhumanly."

After Bobby's jealous rant, the boys had come back with bags of veggies and fruits. I wasn't impressed. After another argument—Dean and I against Sam—we'd started to our destination. After a few interrogations, we heard that there was a weird house on the outskirts of the town where some 'hippy' people lived. That's what led us here.

"It looks totally dark," Dean agreed, staring through binoculars to get a good look. "I can't see inside, though."

Sam shifted in his seat. I knew what he was thinking; it's night, they could be anywhere. "Well, should we wait for daylight?"

"That's my be—"

"Hell no, we're not waiting," Bobby completely cut me off. A tickly of pain hit my eyes as they flashed black with anger. "I'll scout it. See if we need to bring in the big guns."

"I don't know," Sam's voice trailed, then Bobby disappeared. I blinked and forced my eyes back to normal. That's the only part about my demon half that I've gotten used to.

"He's gone," I informed them. Both the boys turned in the seats, looking at the empty back seat, save me. Dean grumbled a curse before looking back at the house. Bobby reappeared a second later.

"Okay, 'place is clear," he told us. "But there's something you're gonna want to see." To my annoyance, he disappeared again.

Sam and Dean climbed out of the car in a rushed fashion. Sam waited for me to get out via his side of the car. I hurried to the trunk where Dean was gathering weapons. He tossed a machete to Sam, then started to slam the trunk.

"Hold on," I said, stopping his motion with my hand. I used my newfound strength against him. With my free hand, a grabbed the extra machete. Dean's anger filled eyes sliced into my skin. I ignored it, then let go of his wrist. "I'm not going in there without a weapon."

"You've never carried a weapon before," Dean growled. His hand twitched, he was itching to take his blade back.

"Beheading, right?" I ignored him, clipping the sheath to my belt. Since I'd been riding with these fools, I'd started wearing their amount of flannel. Even a leather jacket over top of it. I also took a hairband off my wrist and tied up my hair into a messy ponytail. "Let's go."

Once we were in the house, I'd brought my machete out of hiding, preparing myself for a fight. Right about now, I really wanted some warm blood on my hands. I wouldn't voice these thoughts to the boys, I knew Dean would've killed me right there. I was bound with the gleeful thoughts. Destined to keep them secret.

"Careful," Dean whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glared up at him without thinking, then saw he was looking at something ahead of me. I looked as well. What I saw turned my stomach.

Three vampires were spread out on the table. Each of there mouths looked like they'd had third-degree burns. The burns looked like they were strategically painted. In the fashion of blood. Based on the smell, they'd been dead for a while. I wanted to gag.

"You know a way to kill vamps with battery acid?" Dean joked with a serious tone.

"Only way I know is beheading," Bobby replied, thinking aloud.

"Well, something didn't agree with them," Sam sighed, then looked around the room. His eyes landed on the far wall. "Hey, check out that wall. Something seem weird to you?"

"There's gotta be a switch somewhere," I noted, already moving towards the bookcase. "Scooby-Doo don't fail me now." The joke fell flat, even to my ears. I frowned at the attempt. Should've just kept my mouth shut.

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