31. Sister Constant

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We'd left that night. Not in search of Bobby but in search of the needed bone. We had hardly said anything about the ghost while we were on the goose chase. Sam had us going to a cemetery on a whim. That whim was a joke. A joke by Dean.

"All right," he spoke. "Exit's in three miles."

Dean grunted, "I still say this is a bad idea."

"Dean, it was your idea, and it was the best one we had," Sam fired back. I watched both the boys from the backseat, not daring to interrupt.

"I said it as a joke," Dean scoffed. I decided then that it was my turn to but in, recalling the joke very well.

"Really bad joke—best idea we had," I countered. "And take the compliment. You're not gonna get many from me."

Dean's eyes found mine in the rearview mirror. "Yeah, only because we got no magic spell, no book—nothing on how to find a freakin'... righteous bone." He broke his gaze, focussing back on the road.

"We can call Castiel again," Sam offered.

Even I knew that was useless. Cas still didn't have all of his screws bolted in tight and he hadn't visited me after my DNA was unlocked. I assumed I was just another monster for him to hate but then I'd think of Meg. He adored Meg. So why didn't he like me?

"Dude, on my car, he showed up naked... covered in bees," Dean informed him with a look of disgust. Sam's eyes were wide at the statement.

"Yeah, I'm not really sorry I missed that."

Trying to rid the memory, Dean flicked on the radio. That didn't exactly have our minds off anything. His usual Classic Rock was replaced by reporters.

"The price of stock hit an all-time high following Roman's acquisition of Sucrocorp. I say Roman's a buy," a man said. I had to assume that he was a Leviathan, he sounded too upbeat to be an average person eating anything he pleased.

"Got to disagree with you there," the lady said, blowing my theory away. "I'm gonna call him a 'wait and watch.'"

"Come on, Lawshe. You're killing me."

"Hear me out, this is a new sector for Roman."

"That's right. He's holed up at Sucrocorp headquarters right now."

"So sit tight. This—" I didn't let her finish. I leaned forward from the back seat and pressed the power button. We'd gotten crucial information from that, though.

"Now we know where he is," I smiled. Happy little accidents.

"Holed up at Sucrocorp."


Once we got to the cemetery, Sam led us to the crypt. Now, if it were weeks prior to today, I would've been freaked out. Today, not so much.

The iron door squealed as Dean opened it, shining his flashlight on everything in front of him.

"Well, I guess if we can't find a righteous bone in a friggin' nunnery crypt," Dean scoffed.

"All right. Here—listen to this. Sister Mary Benedict, uh, taught the learning-impaired and died at age 23," Sam summarized her life.

"Eh," Dean started, "it's a little young. Find someone who's had time to cook."

Sam looked back into the large book that marked every life here. "Okay, well, there was, uh... here—Sister Mary Eunice. Uh, fed the poor, became Mother Superior at age 60."

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