27. About Bobby

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Sam's sunglasses hid my eyes from the sun. I leaned against the car, not wanting another second in it with that creepy girl. She kept asking me questions about what they were going to do and what I was. I answered most, but soon I just couldn't take it. Fresh air was my best bet and I was still able to watch her. I doubted she'd leave us though. She acted as she'd never left that room.

The boys walked out of the store, arguing over something. By the look of Dean's distressed face, it was over food again. After a short glance at Sam's luggage, I could see why. All rabbit food. Ugh. But what exactly could we do? By the look of this town, everyone was totally stoned. We couldn't become one of them, that was what Dick was banking on.

When their path veered away from me, I decided to walk over. Surely we'd see if the girl got out of the car. Sam eyed me with an amused smile seeing his glasses. I smiled, feeling carefree in the sun. It was a nice day, and if it were ten years ago, I'd have been taking the day off. Spending the whole day outside with Blake.

"Or what?" Sam's voice pushed away the thoughts. I followed the men, walking towards a man on the bench. He was slowly sipping on a large cup. The sound of the straw made it clear that the drink was empty, save a few unlucky drops.

"Dude, forget the morgue. We are swimming in vamp poison," Dean said. Sam then made his in front of the stoned man and started to take out his fake badge.

"Excuse me, sir," he started, earning a chuckle my way. "Hi. We, uh, we're with the... Red Cross? See, we have an emergency shortage." He finally got out the fake badge and flashed it at the man. The man looked in no way concerned about what Sam was saying. "And we're gonna need you to—"

"Dude, he's not readin' you," I chuckled. "Just juice him." Sam looked at me with a certain morbid look, but Dean just sat next to the guy and snapped his fingers in his face.

"Hey. Hold out your arm. We need your blood."

"Dude!" Sam exclaimed. Before he could scold his older brother, the dude complied. Dean made a face before slightly smiling.

"All right, Sam," he started, searching his jacket pockets. He then pulled out a syringe. "Tap the keg."

"Wait, you just carry those around?" I asked in disbelief. Who the actual hell does that? He started at me with the most serious face I'd ever seen.


"Here?" Sam asked, taking the syringe.

"Yeah, Sam, look around," he replied, gesturing to the town. "It's friggin' Woodstock. Everybody's hopped up on the brown acid. We don't need the song and dance. Give him a little prick."

Sam reluctantly sat down while Dean smiled at the oblivious man. He smiled back, then continued 'drinking' his drink. Sam then pressed two fingers to the man's hand, searching for his veins, before pricking him.

"Owwie!" the man squealed quietly, then watched as Sam started to extract blood. "This is for Hurricane Katrina, you said?"

"Yes. Yes, I did," Dean smiled, enjoying how easy this was. I peered to the car, looking for the girl. She was picking at her nails, looking quite determined to get something from under them.

"So, look, uh," Sam started, only to pause. He wasn't used to talking about our world in the general public, that was for sure. But these people were completely oblivious to anything going on around them. There was no reason to be secretive. "When we get there..."

"Yeah?" Dean coxed.

Sam then checked to see if the girl was in the car. I wanted to say something like 'I already looked', but I thought better of it. Since the incident back at the vamp house, I needed to get on Dean's good side.

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