14. You Can See Me?

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"Ness!" Dean barked at me. "Let her go!"

"You! Hunters! You're ruining my plans!" I growled at them. A smile crept on my face as my hand dug out the key from my pocket. "I wouldn't leave anyway!"

"That's what's keeping him here," Dean concluded, pointing at me with the sawed-off.

"Very good, Dean," I laughed. "Now answer my question. Who wants to die first?" I walked towards the two with my lips puckered together. "Hm? I guess I to choose then." Before my body could move, Dean kicked my arms, making the key fly out of it.

Ness cried in pain—so did I—as my torn up arms started to bleed through the bandages. Van Ness rolled up my sleeves in disgust.

"A broken body, too?"

If it's so broken then you can get out!

"Not today sweetheart!" he exclaimed out loud. Ness used my eyes to focus on Sam scooping up the key.

"Hey, hey!" He motioned to Dean.

Ness, using his ghost mojo, teleported us behind Sam and plunged my hand into his back. Horror shook through my metaphysical body as I felt Sam's heart beating in my hand. I wanted to puke as Sam screamed in pain. It was like he couldn't move.

"Give me that damn key!" Ness ordered in Sam's ear. "Or I'll kill you right now!"

I saw Dean snatch the key from Sam's hand and threw it to the ground. He pulled out his pistol from the back of his jeans and shot. A scream left my throat—it really being mine—as I fell to the ground.

Tears left my eyes as I cradled my arm, blood seeping through the bandages. I was curled up in a fetal position as I cried. Salty tears soaked my face as the boys talked. If I was weak before, then this was where I was on the verge of unconsciousness.

"Melinda!" I heard Sam yell. I couldn't see, for my eyes were squeezed shut. I felt his arms scoop me up. I whimpered as my head lolled backwards. "Dean, she's cold!"

I felt a foreign hand on my head and a sigh. "She'll be fine, Sam. Right now, we gotta get back to that house."

"Annie," I breathed. I got shhhed quickly.

"Don't talk," Sam whispered in my ear as he started rubbing my hair out of my face.

"Annie's... there," I croaked, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. "House... now..." I felt my body leave the ground and the sound of car doors opening and slamming shut. Before the engine started, everything faded.


I walked over to the gravesite, the small nap giving me the strength to stand on my own. Dean had already thrown the match into the grave where they had salt and gasoline. The 'proper' way to get rid of ghosts.

"Where do they go?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"What?" Dean asked, turning slightly.

"After we burn them," I clarified. "Where do they go? Heaven? Hell?" No one replied. It wasn't known where we were sending them. I prayed to God that we didn't have to burn their friend Bobby. It would kill them to do that.

The fire reflected in Sam's eyes, he flinched slightly as a flame lashed upward. The Cage, I assumed. There must've been fire, I mean, it was in Hell. At least Lucifer was back in.

"Let's go back and look for Annie," Dean commanded, a sigh escaping his lips. "Ness won't be there to stop us anymore."

"Right, good plan. Storm the castle as soon as the king gets overthrown." It seemed like the fire had come from the grave and into my soul, invoking my rage. "Then lets hurry and go."

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