29. The Monster Disagreement

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I rolled my shoulders, popping a few of my vertebrae. Even though my hands itched to tear out each bloodsuckers' jugular, I respected Sam's decision. His reasons were correct if we went in, guns blazing, then the Alpha would rather want us dead than help us. Don't get me wrong, we were still armed to our teeth but we were keeping them out of our hands. After Sam and I talked, I could feel the constant anger settle to a simmer. It was a relief to know I was able to stay in control.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Dean cursed as we walked up the concrete stairs. Sam shushed him with a finger, looking at the front door.

"Someone's been here," I murmured, touching the door lightly. Under my gentle pressure, the door creaked ajar.

"Maybe we're too late," Dean hoped with a slight hint of relief.

Sam quietly stepped forward, pushing the door open fully, then stepped in. He hollered in surprise as a man snatched his face and pulled him into the darkness. Adrenaline took over my senses, causing me to run in next, hardly hearing Dean yell Sam's name. I could feel him behind me, but it was too late to warn him.

A bloodsucker grabbed me with hungry eyes, scanning every inch of flesh that was exposed. I shrieked, tearing my arm out of his grip. If I was going to die, I was gonna die fighting. I vaguely saw Sam and Dean being pulled away with ease while two more vamps came to hold me.

"Let me go!" I screamed, pushing them off me with demonic force. I flashed my eyes at them as they recuperated, circling me in a practiced fashion. All three brought a flask out of their pockets, then unscrewed the lid.

"You've got some bite," my first captor taunted, holding up his flask with a sick smile. "Wanna play now, Bitch?" I shook my sleeve, exposing one of my smaller knives. Others were hidden elsewhere, like my boots, belt, and inside my shirt.

I snarled back, exposing teeth. They weren't cornering me, they were cornering an animal, itching to kill. "It'll be nice to feel your blood run down my arms." It was said with fiery malice and bitter ice. I bit at the words as they came out, filled with deadly poison. Each word could kill.

The first move fell into my lap. I lunged at my taunter, intending to slice my blade across his cheek. My intentions didn't work as planned. Apparently, even though I'm half human, things that affect demons still affect me. He jerked his flask in my direction, splashing a clear liquid on my face and eyes.

I yelled in pain, feeling as if a pot of boiling water were just poured on me. I fell to my knees, scratching at my face in agony. I could feel the acid-like substance being poured over my back and exposed skin. Regaining the ability to see, I saw thick white smoke rolling off my skin.

My torso was jerked upwards, then my head slammed into a wall. The floor swayed and resized itself. Nausea climbed it's way up my throat. My feet dragged on the ground while I was moved. Hands roamed my body, stripping me of pride, dignity, and all weapons. Yelps of pain exited my mouth when I struggled against them. They'd pour more of the acid on my back. I finally learned not to rebel and just let them take me.

If only I fought harder... Such an easy defeat... What the hell is that stuff?

Thoughts flew through my mind faster than a fox pursuing his prey. My entire body felt numb by the time I was thrown to the cold hardwood. I screamed in pain again as they poured the rest of the acid on me. I assumed to keep me compliant.

How much do they have!?

I could hardly see from black spots dancing across my vision. Familiar hands cupped my broken face and hugged my shaking body close.

"What did you do to her!?" Sam's voice demanded.

"We were informed you had a demon friend." The voice was strangely deep and slightly soothing. Like he could narrate a movie if he wanted. "We gave her... an inspiration to come willingly."

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