33. Finally Home

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I watched over Sam's shoulder, waiting for him to get into Sucrocorp's database. We'd waited till nightfall to storm the castle. The car seemed cramped tonight, knowing we were running into our enemy's territory. 

"You got it yet?" Dean asked, looking at the building. 

"Here we go," Sam smiled triumphantly. I watched the screen show Dick standing in front of a meeting, a young girl standing by his side. "Thank you, Charlie, wherever you are." The name brought a smile to my features. I hoped she was being her geeky self. 

"Got you, Dick," Dean said. 

"That's the second floor," I muttered, reading the floor plans. Sam switched cameras. 

"Yeah, and-and then—what's that?" 

I saw it too. Dick Roman was standing behind a desk. But he was just presenting to businessmen. What is going on?

"The hell? Is that Dick?" Dean asked. Sam changed the cameras again. 

Dick Roman, walking down the hall. "There he is again..." 

"Son of a bitch."

How could they do this? They replicated me because they had my DNA, but the real Dick Roman was dead. Then it hit me. "They have to have some of the real Dick left for a Plan B. AKA; tonight." 

Dean shook his head and pointed to the laptop. "Cycle through again." 

A blue pick-up caught my eye and I nudged Sam to look too. He looked through binoculars. A tan woman got out in a pink uniform. Not Sucrocorp, but one I'd seen just two days before. Sam stared at the maid in shock as well. 

"Holy shit," I whispered. 

"That's the maid from the motel," Sam agreed, looking through my binoculars again. 

"What motel?" Dean asked, now looking at our newcomer. I watched her again and noticed her wipe black ectoplasm from her eye. 

Ghost possession. My mind showed my images of ectoplasm on my own hands. And my hand plunging into Sam's back. I watched the maid head for the Sucrocorp building. I knew exactly who it was. 

"Oh, no," Sam whispered. "Oh, Bobby, what are you doing?" 

Instead of arguing with them, I opened Sam's door and pushed his seat. He got up and pushed up the chair so I could squeeze through. 

"Wait, are you saying that Bobby—"

"Dean, listen, you've got the weapon, keep it safe," I said, running towards Bobby. I heard Sam tell Dean something then footsteps behind me. 

I let him catch up to me, already forming a plan. "Sam, they're cameras everywhere," I said. "We need to cut him off."

Sam scanned the area, still running at my side, then pointed. "He's headed towards the back of the building, we can cut him off there." I nodded and sped up. 

I skidded to a halt at a black truck. Sam did the same. I could hear Bobby's footsteps getting closer and I cracked my knuckles. Before I could get a chance to catch him off guard, Sam lept out in front of him. 

"Bobby? I know you're in there," he started, looking around for witnesses. "Listen to me. There are cameras everywhere," he pointed to one of the cameras. "there's one right there. Stop, okay? You're gonna get her killed." Bobby planted both hands into Sam's chest, shoving him to the concrete ground. I lept out, watching the camera move towards us. 

"Bobby!" I yelled, helping Sam to his feet. I bared my eyes at him, feeling them get dry and hot. "You can't kill Dick. Not by yourself." Be then took out a large knife. 

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