Final Chapter.

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The others were in shock and scared as they had no idea what Taehyung was doing, Namjoon running forward to try and pull Taehyung inside, but it was too late as Lee Chaerin appeared from the trees right in front of Taehyung.

"Hello sweetie" she spoke kindly
"I didn't think you'd want to see me again" she shrugged her shoulders
"Like what I'm doing? It's all under way and-"
"Please listen to me" Taehyung burst out as she stopped and nodded for him to go on.

Taehyung turned around to his friends and saw their worried faces and he felt bad for seeming so selfish and doing this, but then he saw Jimin's body that was still dead in Namjoon's arms as he ran over and took him off Namjoon before running back to her.

"I lost him Chaerin" He told her and she sighed, almost sadly.
"I know darling, and I-"
"You did that" Taehyung spat at her, but he knew he had to be nice if he wanted this to work.
"And you can reverse it?" He asked and she looked away, biting the inside of her cheek.
"If you think I'm going to reverse what I-"
"I'm not asking you to reverse it, take our powers, do whatever but please" he began to sob
"Please bring Jimin back"

Chaerin didn't spare him a glance.
"Sweetie I can't do that" She told him
"You can though! You're powerful enough to take it away and you can put it back!" He begged
"It's not that simple" she told him in an almost calming voice as she finally looked at him and she saw the desperation on his face. She actually began to feel for him. Not enough, but she saw the look on his face.

"I'll do anything. Take our powers and everything away, keep me captured just as long as you bring Jimin back and he can live happy" He told her and he saw something. He didn't know if he should regret it at this stage but he saw it.

She had an idea and her face was so readable as her eyes widened for a split second before she smirked at her thought.
It was something she didn't really have planned, but maybe it work a lot better than completely taking the magic away from them. Maybe they'd suffer more from this.

"You want him back that much?" She asked and Taehyung didn't hesitate to nod and that was all she needed.

She walked up to him, putting a hand on his cheek and smiling before she looked down at Jimin, taking him from Taehyung's arms which he panicked and tried to grab back at him.

"Let me take care of him and I promise you'll see him soon" she told him with a sudden sinister and evil grin as she rose the necklace up to the sky and whispered a few words that nobody could hear let alone understand.

Suddenly, she disappeared and it felt like the whole earth had been taken over by a blinding white light as everyone shielded their eyes from it and nobody had any clue what happened.

But when they woke up, Taehyung realised what she had done.

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open as he heard lots of chattering and laughter from children and talking and tanoids.

He slowly sat up as he shook his head and looked around, hearing a loud wow erupt as he turned to where it was coming from and was shocked when he saw a group of people staring at him in bewilderment.

He instantly backed up, trying to figure out what was going on, only realising then he was in his wolf form. Right in front of random peoples eyes.

He panicked and turned back into a human, the people in front of him shocked and gasping and clapping as he ran up to them, a scream from some of the kids being heard as he placed his hands on the glass in front of him.

There was glass in front of him.

"What's going on?!" He cried out, but none of them heard him.
"Look what you've done Tae!" He heard as he turned and saw Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok stood staring at him with angry faces, glaring at him as he finally looked around properly.

He was in some sort of large enclosure and basically the whole of his wolf pack were trapped in there no matter how much they tried to get out they couldn't, the walls to high to jump and thick to break through.

He ran to the glass again and looked around, seeing a huge sign at the entrance and he was struck with horror.

'Welcome to the enchanted zoo, the only one of its kind'

"No.." he breathed out as he looked around and saw nothing but horror.

Not far away was the vampire enclosure and he was shocked to see even Jackson and his friends had been imprisoned in there, seeing Jennie pressed against the glass staring right back at him and he knew she had no clue what happened, which meant nobody else did.

He looked in the middle and it was a huge building with a sign that said the mermaid aquarium was inside.

He looked and saw the goblin enclosure and the fairies trapped and the trolls behind bars.

Suddenly he ran across the enclosure to the other window and he saw the one he'd been looking for.

The elf enclosure.

Inside, Jin was looking straight across at him as he shook his head but Taehyung was looking for Jimin, hoping he was at least in there and safe.

"Why Tae?" Yoongi asked as Taehyung sighed
"I'm sorry I just wanted Jimin back" He told them but they scoffed
"Look where that's got us and Jimin is nowhere to be found" Hoseok spoke, Taehyung whipping around to face them.
"What?" He spoke, his eyes wide as he didn't want to believe what he'd just heard.

"Jimin is not here in this zoo place we've been dumped in and nobody has seen or heard anything of him" Namjoon tried to Taehyung a little calmer, but anger got the better of him as he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Why did you have to make a deal with her?"
"I wanted-"
"What about us Tae!" Namjoon shouted over him.
"What about us? We mattered too" He told him as he turned away.

"W-what about Jungkook? Is he-"
"Nobody's heard anything from him either" Hoseok snapped sharply as the three who were once his best friends looked at him with nothing but anger.
"Guys, I am really sorry and we can try and fix this, we-"
"How Tae? She's fucked off as well and nobody's seen her!" Namjoon stormed off as he really was angry but he knew he'd regret taking it out any further on Taehyung.

"Guys, I-"
"Save it Tae" Yoongi spat at him before following his leader, Hoseok glancing at Taehyung before he too followed and left the wolf alone in the corner of the enclosure.

He'd fucked up and he fucked up badly.

So many questions ran through his head.

What happened? When did this happen? Why did he wake up way later than everyone else? Why is the world acting like this is normal? Who found out about all the magical creatures?

Where was Jungkook? Was he safe? Did he remember what happened? What about Ailee and his mom? Were they okay? Did they even know he existed anymore?

But the main one going round his head was the one that made him furious as he realised his wish had been twisted and he had been played.

Where was Jimin?


Thank you for reading Elves II: Rise of the Red Witch.

The story continues in Elves III: Real Magic.

I hope you enjoy the finale just as much as you enjoyed the first two!

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I hope you enjoy the finale just as much as you enjoyed the first two!

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