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Screams and cries were heard through the dark and old streets of the vampire world.

It was a place of fear where the sky was constantly filled with a dark grey thunder cloud colour, the sun never visible as because of that the trees had no life to them, just branches like long pointy fingers and the grass a discoloured yellow that was rough to touch.
The buildings were dark and old fashioned because that's the way the vampires like it. Wooden houses with thatch roofs and cobble streets which at the moment were filled with terror.

Jackson and his friends had returned.

He walked straight through the crowd of people, keeping his eyes fixed a head, trying to ignore all the people who he once knew as his peers. His friends were terrorising them, pushing people about and anybody who tried to fight them were killed instantly.

They were making their way to the palace to face their leader, the only person who had the pearl.

This was already hard on Jackson, coming home to his people who he ran away from only for him to return as a bad guy serving another leader. But his new leader deserved her chance and that was what he was determined to do. He would not fail her not again. Even if it meant he had to face his old leader again.

The guards at the palace gates instantly stood up to a fight, but they were useless as they were attacked by Jackson's friends, allowing him to pass right through and into the gates where he was met with her.

He hadn't seen those eyes in so long but he remembered them well. The way they still pierced through him at first entrance, but he had seen her softer side. But that was no use right now.

"Jackson, you have returned" She spoke formally, standing from her throne in a civil manner, but she already knew what he wanted.

"You address me as your majesty"
"Not anymore I don't" Jackson snapped as two of his friends ran and grabbed her arms, bringing her over to him no matter how much she fought them off.

"Be gentle with her boys" He spoke as she was now face to face with him, a smirk curving on his lips as who was once his leader was forced before him.

"Now who's in charge" He mocked her weak state as she grew more angry, her brows furrowing together as her eyes were shooting daggers at him, but she remained calm.

"Kneel her" Jackson commanded, the two people holding her pushing her down as she was forced onto her knees, her eyes now trained down as her hair dangled in front of her face. This was a weird sight. Jackson's leader knelt before him looking defeated and broken.

"Now Jennie, hand it over" Jackson threatened as she said nothing. Jackson grabbed a fistful or her long hair, forcing her to look up at him, the both of them staring at one another as he suddenly got the feeling he used to get, looking into her eyes.

His heart blossoming as the feelings came flooding back, seeing her eyes so damaged and innocent when he fell for her. But it changed at the snap of a finger when she rose to power and left him behind. Maybe that was why he ran away.

"You hand over that pearl right now!" Jackson demanded, tugging on her hair, but she didn't even seemed phased, just glaring at him.
He began to grow irritated, especially when all he got was silence. He liked his victims to fight back, he found pleasure in seeing someone scared for their life, but he knew Jennie knew him well.

"Hand over the pearl or I'll rip it off your body" Jackson threatened in a low voice, Jennie shoving his friends off as she stood up and faced him.
"Go for it Jackson! I'm all yours!" She snapped at him, surprising him for a split second.

His two friends instantly went for her, but he held his hand up, stopping them from moving before he signalled for them to leave the both of them alone.

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