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Taehyung awoke from his bed, only to feel a cool mattress next to him as he patted his hand among it, looking for Jimin.

He groaned, thinking Jimin must have got up as he dragged himself away from the warm comfort of his bed and duvet.
He stood up, stretching as he tried to get his senses back, but for some reason his eyes were blurry and everything around him seemed darker.

He grew confused but shook it off, heading to the door where he opened it, stepping out, only to fall down a hole.

Instantly he screamed out, but it wasn't a huge fall as he fell into a glass cube as the lid shut over him suddenly.

He ran up to the glass, pressing his hands against it before he began punching it and ramming his shoulder into it. The glass would crack, but it would close back up to become a clean slate of glass instantly.

He looked around him and it was almost like he was in some sort of enclosure, like a wild animal in the zoo. But surrounding that was just darkness, until he turned and saw something.

He instantly froze, the glass melting away in front of him as he ran over before it could come back and it felt like his worst fear had come true.

Lay on the floor, his body lifeless as his skin was pale and his eyes close was Jimin.

"Chim?" Taehyung whimpered as he knelt down, picking him up in his arms.
"Chim?!" He tried shaking him awake but Jimin's skin was cold to the touch and there was no glow to him like there usually was, like it had been sucked out of him.

A tear welled in his eye and he didn't even try and fight it, a small sob falling from his lips as he began to cry into Jimin's neck, holding his body against his own.
He suddenly heard a laugh.

He looked up, whipping his head from left to right but the laugh seemed like it was coming from all angles. It was a woman's laugh, a rough but sweet one.

"Who are you?" Taehyung called out, fear clearly laced in his voice.
"What have you done to him?!" He screamed out as the woman's laugh got louder and louder, echoing around him more and more as his hands closed over his ears, trying to block out the sound.

He screamed when the feeling became overwhelming, terrified as his heart raced and tears were falling harder and faster as whoever this laugh was carried on louder and louder.

He suddenly felt an arm shaking his shoulder.


Well I wonder what happened to Taehyung then...

I'm already missing BTS.
Don't get me wrong they need this break and they deserve it more than anybody in the music industry. But I won't stop me missing them lmao

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