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Taehyung ran as fast as he could to the lair, keeping an eye on his best friend who was still clutching his head in pain, tears leaking from his closed eyes.

"It's okay, we're here" Taehyung tried assuring him, but the shake in his voice gave away his uncertainty and fear.

He jumped down the hole, landing on both feet as he ran through the tunnel, pushing through crowds of wolves who stopped and stared at what was happening.

"Move now!" Taehyung shouted at them as they did what he said, especially when they saw the look on his face and the state Jungkook had come back in.

"Jin! Namjoon!" Taehyung called for them as soon enough, Namjoon had ran through, the others not far behind him.
Jimin gasped when he saw Jungkook, a hand clamping over his mouth as he turned to Hoseok and Yoongi who wore similar faces of shock and horror. Not Jungkook. What had he ever done wrong?

"What the fuck happened?" Namjoon shouted but not in anger, in worry and frustration.
"Namjoon, Jin help him" Taehyung pleaded as he had tears in his own eyes.

Jin instantly came running over, seeing the pain Jungkook was in, and he knew it was strong, but he could just about save him if he was quick.

He placed his hand on the top of his head, whispering a few words that nobody knew what he was saying as Jungkook after a few seconds of crying in pain, passed out in Taehyung's arms, his body falling limp as his facial features relaxed into a peaceful sleep.

"What have you done?" Taehyung asked
"I just removed whatever was inside his head, he'll be asleep for a few hours now" Jin told him as Taehyung carried Jungkook off to his room, lying him on his bed where he left him to rest, everyone looking at his sleeping form.

There was no point having a go at Taehyung for being irresponsible, especially when they don't even know what happened, but also because by the tears down his cheeks and the way he was clinging onto Jimin in a tight hug for support, he was feeling guilty enough for whatever happened.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked calmly as Taehyung took a deep breath, gathering himself.
"I stormed off into the forest and he followed me, we had a small talk and walked back and all the way he kept saying he felt like someone was following so I sniffed and there was a vampire scent and it was so so new and-"
"A vampire?" Namjoon jumped in, confusion on his face as well as everybody else
"Are you sure?" Jimin asked
"Yeah it was definitely a vampire because then we saw him"

Everyone fell quiet whilst they listened to Taehyung.
"He came out of nowhere and I barely heard him, but I heard Jungkook scream my name and saw this vampire had a hold of him. He pressed him to the tree and I tried to get to him, but I couldn't get to him and the vampire asked for the pearl of Euphoria but Jungkook didn't have it-"
"Hold on Tae, why couldn't you get to him?" Yoongi asked
"There was this red steam that came out of the ground and then it rose up around my feet and stopped me" He explained and nobody noticed, but Jin's face switched as he began to wonder if his theory was true.

"When the vampire was done he leapt off into the trees and left, and all of a sudden the red steam around my feet turned into something else and blasted us and next thing I knew Jungkook was in a lot of pain" Taehyung finished his story as everyone was quiet, all of them turning to Jungkook and they really felt for him. He was human and he was most certainly the most innocent out of all of them. How could they let this happen to him?

"I'm scared Jin" Taehyung voiced his concerns.
"What if what happened to Wonho happens to Jungkook?" He asked in a croaky sorrowful voice.

"It's different with Jungkook" Jin began to explain.
"Wonho was too far gone and it's harder to get that kind of dark magic out of a werewolf. Jungkook is human which makes it way easier, but it kills him much quicker" He told them before they all turned to his sleeping body.

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