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Taehyung looked at Jimin who was in such fear he couldn't take his eyes off it, but Taehyung wanted Jimin to look at him.
He knew this maybe the end and he wanted every minute with him.

Taehyung cupped Jimin's face, turning him to look at him as they stared at one another with fear, but it was evident Taehyung was trying to stay calm and Jimin got the message.

"I love you" Jimin spoke quietly
"I love you too, I always will" Taehyung told him, pressing their lips together in a quick kiss as they suddenly felt the Kraken shift, causing a huge wave that had them moving in towards the shore, only for it to wrap its long black tentacle around them and pull them back in to the deep water, toying with them.

"We have to do something!" Jungkook spoke
"It's the Kraken! There's nothing we can do!" Jin cried out, angry at himself for not being able to stop it, but there was no way he could face up to that thing that from the angle they were at, looked as tall as the skyline.
"Well I'm not letting them die!" Jungkook spoke as he suddenly ran along the beach, waving his arms and shouting.
"Take me!" He called out, the Kraken hearing him as it began to shift around, forcing Taehyung and Jimin even deeper into the water as it felt like they were buried under the waves, but no matter what they clung to one another.

Hoseok suddenly seemed to get Jungkook's idea, running in the opposite direction along the beach as he began to bark and growl and howl and make as much noise as possible.
The Kraken glared at him with one of its yellow eyes before glancing at Jungkook.

It didn't like the way they were trying to mock it as it lifted two of its large tentacles out of the water, high up in the air before it came crashing down very quickly.

Luckily Hoseok managed to run out of the way on top, tripping slightly as the ground tumbled beneath him, but Jungkook had no way of outrunning it, Yoongi jumping into action as he grabbed a hold of him and forced him on his back, running away from the tentacle that smacked the ground.

The Kraken let out yet another ear piercing screech, as Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok carried on with their distractions, allowing Namjoon to enter the water as quickly as he could, Jin on his back, before the Kraken noticed them.
They just about reached them, Jin helping Jimin out of the water who was half sobbing half gasping for air.

"Come on!" Jin called to Taehyung who began to swim towards them, only a tentacle smacked the water in front of him out of nowhere, wrapping itself around his body before he was being pulled away.

"Tae! No!" Jimin screamed out, wanting to go after him and help him, but Jin grabbed him, telling Namjoon to swim back and they'll come back for Taehyung, which Namjoon agreed to.

Jimin sobbed as he watched his lover being dragged towards the massive monster that had a hold of him, the three of them gathering on the beach with the other three.

"Where's Tae?" Jungkook asked
"The Kraken has him!" Jimin sobbed as they all watched as Taehyung thrashed against the tentacle that had a tight grip on him. He was truly defenceless against it and even going back for him at this point was useless.

"We promised to die together" Jimin whimpered quietly as Jin wrapped his arms around his best friend before pulling Jungkook into his arms as he cried, watching his best friend fight helplessly against the monster that had sucked him in.

Taehyung could feel his limbs aching as he grew tired and he slowly began to realise that it was pointless fighting.

The tentacle wrapped around him had too firm of a grip and he was too far away from the shore to reach them in time. He accepted that he was done for, closing his eyes as he reigned in his emotions, trying to think about anything other than his approaching death.

He thought of Jimin.
He thought of his sweet smile that lit up any room he was in, his laughter that made his stomach do flips, his sweet words and calming voice, his purple eyes that calmed him whenever he stared into them.
He thought of how he was safe and sound and how he'd survive through this and carry on living, his heart still beating.

Taehyung had done his job as his protector and his work here was over.

Suddenly his feet were grabbed and at the speed of light he was dragged under the water.
Everyone on the beach witnessed this, their eyebrows furrowing as they tried to get a closer look, but whatever happened he seemed to be gone.

Instantly Jimin screamed out, falling to his knees in the sand as he cried, believing Taehyung had gone and his protector was dead because of him. Not even Jin and Jungkook who tried to console him could help that deep pain in his heart.

Taehyung believed he was meeting his fate too until he felt himself being dragged away from the monster that let out yet another screech.
He opened his eyes and was shocked by what he saw.

A mermaid.

A mermaid had saved him, swimming away as fast as she could, dragging him behind her as he could see the sea bed becoming more prominent, meaning he was getting closer to the shore.

She suddenly swung him round, forcing him in front of her as they made eye contact and he recognised her.
He didn't know where from, but he had seen her face before.

As quick as a flash of lightening, a tentacle wrapped around her tale, Taehyung grabbing a hold of her as he began to try and save her, but the force of the tentacle pulling her into to the water was too strong.

"Get to Jimin" she whispered suddenly as she gestured to the beach where they were all stood consoling him.
"He needs you"

He looked at her and suddenly, she let go, being yanked into the water and nowhere to be seen in the dark blue sea.

He wanted to go after her to save her, like she did for him, but he had to get to Jimin and make sure everyone else was okay.

He groaned at himself not being able to save her, but he swam to the shore and he was finally safe from the Kraken.

He ran down the beach as quick as he could, but his body was limp and weak, the determination in him overpowering that as he reached them, catching Jungkook's attention.

"Tae?!" He screamed in shock, catching everyone's attention as they all ran to him, Jimin sprinting as fast as he could as they all wrapped their arms around him.
"Are you okay?" Jin asked
"Yeah I'm fine" Taehyung spoke breathlessly as he heard Jimin sobbing
"I thought you died" he cried out
"What happened?" Namjoon blurted out as they all pulled away.

"A mermaid saved me" Taehyung told them
"A mermaid? But they're not around this area" Jin frowned, but he was suddenly distracted as another shriek from the Kraken had them all looking towards it, seeing it's yellow eyes baring into them with such a fiery gaze as it knew now it had failed its mission.

And it suddenly clicked when Jin saw the look in its face that it wasn't supposed to be out here. It had been sent here for a reason.

Suddenly, the Kraken began to sink itself into the water, causing a huge tidal wave to come washing over the beach, everyone running to get away from it, but it had already reached them, crushing them under the water as the Kraken sent many waves as it disappeared before it sunk deep beneath the depths and the whole beach was quiet.

Everyone unconscious from the force of the waves.


Oof another tense chapter.

I finished my show last week and I have that horrible feeling where you miss the adrenaline from being on stage.

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