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Disclaimer: Mentions of blood in mild detail for those who may be uncomfortable with it.

Jungkook passed Jennie a t shirt of his that was basically a dress on her. Bringing him to his amazement at her being a leader.
She was so small and pretty looking and she seemed quite gentle. But maybe that was all on the outside and inside she was more ruthless.

"Thank you" she mumbled as Jungkook just sat and stared at her, but she couldn't handle it, looking anywhere around the room apart from at him. Suddenly she felt like the intimidated one, despite his eyes being full of innocence.

She suddenly felt something being placed around her, jumping at the touch, only to see it was Jungkook wrapping the blanket around her to stop her being cold from the lack of clothing.

"Y'know vampires don't feel the cold" She giggled cutely but Jungkook didn't care.
"I just wanna know you're comfortable" He shrugged and she sighed, nodding her head, but suddenly she caught of whiff.

The smell of fresh human blood was evident and he was so young and pure, his blood was making her more hungry as she gasped and turned away from him.

"Are you okay?" He tried moving towards her but she pushed him back
"Don't" she warned
"I-I need blood" she told him urgently but he didn't know what to do.
"What kind?" He asked, remembering when he was a vampire he ate animal blood from woodland animals.
"I need human blood" she told him

Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair as he began to weigh up his options. He couldn't let her just go out and kill someone, that would raise suspicions but also she's too weak to go, the other guys and himself would never bring someone back for her.

So maybe he was her only option.

"Jennie?" Jungkook took her hand, noticing her long nails that complemented her dainty fingers as she turned to him with hunger and want.
He was completely lost in her eyes, the red drawing him in that he forgot what he meant to say, his mind going blank.
It seemed to frustrate her.

"Listen if I don't get out of here now then I'm about to drink your blood and I don't want to do that" She spoke
"Why not?" He asked and she laughed at what seemed like a stupid question, but it was actually one she didn't have the answer to.

"Look, I need to go because you smell so good and-"
"I can't let you go out" Jungkook stood up from the bed, shutting the door as she frowned and stood up.
"And why is that?" She folded her arms with an attitude that came out of nowhere. It was sassy and head strong and he was slowly beginning to realise why she was leader.

But he couldn't answer. It was a question he didn't know the answer to, sitting back on the bed as he stared at her for a moment, only seeing the hunger grow in her eyes, solidifying his decision.

"How much do you need?" He asked
"I don't know" She shrugged
"Enough to kill a person?" He asked with uncertainty but she shook her head.
"We usually kill them so they never remember or tell anybody but the amount we need usually is only enough to make someone a little ill" She spoke

"So they recover?" He asked and she grew annoyed
"Yes they recover what is with all the questions?" She asked a question herself
"Because I'm weighing up my options" He told her as she grew confused.
"What?" She furrowed her brows, but the look on his face, the innocence and kindness in his eyes said it all.

She was in shock. Nobody had ever willingly done this. Nobody was willing to give some of their blood supply to a vampire until him.

"Really?" She asked, sitting next to him and he nodded.
"But what if I can't stop?" She worried but he smirked
"Then we'll have to figure that out when we get to it" He told her and she giggled at his sense of humour. For some reason she got this person whoever he may be and for some reason she felt like she could trust him and he was telling the truth.

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