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Taehyung opened his eyes, adjusting to the darkness surrounding him, only to see he was sat in some sort of chair.

He shook his head, looking around him as he tried to get his bearings, but everything seemed blurry again and he didn't recognise any of this. A confused frown was painted on his face as he went to get out of the chair to look around, only for metal straps to appear from nowhere, wrapping tightly around his wrists and ankles.

Instantly he panicked, pulling against them, but they were way too strong and there was no way he could move no matter how much he thrashed about.
"Hello?" He called out, hoping someone would hear him.

Suddenly, a laugh filled the room. A laugh he recognised. It was that woman's laugh from his previous dream, the sweet but sinister sound echoing around the walls of this forever going room.

"Who are you?" He shouted out, managing to hide the shake in his voice, but the desperate fight against the restraints was giving him away.
"Whoever you are better let me go!" He shouted out, only to then feel a presence behind him.

"Shh sweetie it's okay" A woman's voice tried soothing him, her hand trailing up and down his arm in a calming motion. That was the only thing he could see of her. She had dainty looking hands but long blood red fingernails perfectly painted.

"I know you've had a rough day so why don't you relax" She spoke, Taehyung trying to turn around to see her face, but she pinched his chin with her fingers, turning him to face the front.
"Just focus on yourself and relax" she told him calmly.

"Who are you?" Taehyung asked, the shake in his voice more prominent.
"You don't need to worry about that" she spoke
"But know that you're in safe hands with me sweetie"
"Where am I?" He asked another question as she giggled, the same laugh that echoed around the room.

"I can't tell you that" she spoke in a hushed whisper.
"Now Taehyung, tell me how Kookie is doing" She half asked, half demanded, his eyes widening.

"Y-you know-"
"Sweetie I'm the reason he got better" She giggled again
"Of course I saw mercy on him, he is young and he is still human so I couldn't just-" she never finished her sentence, but Taehyung began to suspect her. She could tell as she read his thoughts. Was she behind what happened to Wonho and Jungkook?

"If you're gonna accuse me like that then you may as well suffer" she suddenly changed the tone of her voice, Taehyung shocked as he realised whoever this was could read his thoughts. Suddenly he didn't feel her presence anymore, but the chair dramatically turned and all of a sudden he went into shock.

He was horrified by what he saw.

All of his friends were trapped in cages, begging to be let out as he sat in the chair completely helpless.

"No!" He screamed out, scrambling to free himself from the restraints.
"Go ahead Tae! Save them all!" The voice bellowed out as another cage appeared from nowhere, Ailee and his mother trapped inside it as he screamed out, tears falling rapidly down his face.

"No! Let me go!" He cried out, even more desperate
"Quickly Tae! They're gonna die if you don't help!" She mocked, another cage appearing but this time, it had Jimin in it, along with the vampire from today.

Jimin seemed oblivious to his presence as all of a sudden he grabbed Jimin around the neck, digging his razor sharp nails into his neck, Jimin screaming out in agony as Taehyung thrashed in his chair, sobbing heavily as tears were falling rapidly down his cheeks.

"Oh you care about him the most?" The woman mocked.
"Go ahead and save him Tae!" She shouted as Jimin dropped to the floor, lifeless and bleeding out as Taehyung screamed, his eyes closing to block out this surreal moment of his life.

His eyes opened, thrashing about in bed as the covers went everywhere and he screamed out, tears running down his face.
He realised he was in bed, safe and peaceful as he ran a hand through his wet hair, his body hot and dripping with sweat as he caught his breath, heaving in and out as he steadied himself.

At that moment, the door opened as he screamed out, grabbing the first thing he could and chucking it.
Luckily it was just a pillow and luckily Namjoon had amazing reflexes as he caught it.
"Hey! It's me!" Namjoon warned him as he heard Taehyung screaming to be left alone for whatever reason.

He calmed down once his senses came back, relaxing slightly as Namjoon came and sat down next to him.
"What the hells going on? I've just heard you screaming for about five minutes" Namjoon asked, concern on his face.
"I-I had the worst but most surreal dream ever" Taehyung admitted, Namjoon listening intently.
"What was it?" He asked, Taehyung about to explain, but then he noticed Jimin was not next to him.

"W-where's Jimin?" He stuttered out, Namjoon shrugging.
"I don't know I thought he was here with you, that's why I didn't come sooner because I thought Jimin had it covered" Namjoon told him as Taehyung leaped out of bed, pulling a shirt on.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked urgently
"We have to find him!" Taehyung screamed out, running out of the door and as fast as he could to the exit of the lair, Namjoon close behind him.

"Tae will you please tell me what the fuck-"
"They have Jimin!" Taehyung whipped around as they were just at the entrance to the forest.
"What?" Namjoon asked in confusion
"The vampire he has Jimin! I saw it in my dream!" Taehyung spoke before he ran off, screaming Jimin's name.

Namjoon sighed as he followed, but he kept on high alert because something in him told him Taehyung was telling the truth.


So I said it everywhere apart from here lmao but happy belated birthday Jungkook!

I hope he never sees this but then again, isn't one or Bang PD's jobs to tell the boys about fan fictions and AU's??
If so hey wassup. Tell them I say hi 👋

Anyway, today is also 3 months since I saw them in concert and I'm watching all the videos back and just thinking about how it was literally one of the best days of my life. Take 👏 Me 👏 Back 👏

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