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Jin and Namjoon walked along the sand in the darkness.

It was actually quite relaxing, the both of them walking side by side, enjoying the silence between them as the sand was gentle and soft beneath their feet, the night calm and the sky clear with the stars shining and the moons beautiful reflection in the water that was black, it's soft and gentle waves lapping against the shore.

The two of them had been watching on the rocks for a few hours, hoping they'd find something of Dahyun's disappearance, but after a while it felt like they weren't going to find her tonight, so they gave up and began walking along the beach.

"It's so peaceful isn't it?" Namjoon noted
"It is, it's nice to actually relax after everything" Jin sighed contently
"You don't think she'll find us here do you?" Namjoon asked Jin who sighed.

"She might, but we've bought some time till we figure out what it is she wants" Jin told him and that seemed enough to reassure Namjoon for now who stopped, watching the sea that now blended in with the dark night sky.

It just looked like an abyss of the galaxy and it was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen.

Besides the elf next to him of course.

"Jin, I just wanna say how thankful I am to have you" Namjoon spoke, Jin turning to him with a look of confusion.
"All the other leaders have been so reluctant to trust me, but you have been good and kind and eased me into the role" Namjoon spoke, Jin smiling kindly.

"I'm here for you, all of us" Jin told him as they turned to look at the beach hut when Namjoon heard a noise.
"Everything okay?" Jin asked but Namjoon seemed to grimace.
"Sounds like our love birds are having fun" He tried to block it out.
"You can hear them from here?" Jin asked, a little bewildered.
"Yeah unfortunately" Namjoon sighed
"Wolves have good hearing and good sense of smell" Namjoon spoke
"It's a blessing and a curse"

"I bet, you must hear all sorts sometimes" Jin spoke as Namjoon laughed.
"Yeah, I've heard a lot of things in my time but my second in command having fun with his lover is not what I want" Namjoon spoke, the both of them laughing as they began to walk up the beach, Namjoon hoping the noise would die down.

"I am so happy for them Y'know" Jin spoke suddenly
"Jimin always dreamed of coming to the real world and finding a protector and he has one" Jin gestured to the hut.
"He has a good one too and he's the happiest he's been in a long time"
"What about you?" Namjoon asked suddenly, Jin looking at him trying to play off he didn't know what he meant, but Namjoon knew Jin was smart and knew he knew what he meant.

"Minji was the sweetest to me when we were young but I don't think we can rekindle what we had" Jin shrugged
"I'll always have feeling for her but she's my past. Her son is my best friends protector as well as his present and future" Jin shrugged
"You just have to give some things up"

"That's very selfless of you" Namjoon admired that about Jin
"Does it not break your heart?" He asked
"Not really, my best friend is happy and that's enough for me. Plus me and Minji are friends, she found someone else which means maybe there is someone else out there for me" Jin spoke

"Another protector?" Namjoon asked but Jin shook his head.
"A protector is a special bond and it's an extremely rare type of love but maybe love can come in all sorts of ways" Jin spoke

"Like what?" Namjoon asked
"Loving yourself for starters, loving a friend, a family member, a protector, a partner. A protector is a partner with a special bond but that doesn't mean a normal couple don't love each other any less" Jin tried to clear up to Namjoon who seemed confused
"It just means the universe had them destined to be together whereas ordinary couples find themselves" Jin spoke

Namjoon smiled at Jin's description as he faced him, the two meeting eyes for a moment before Jin grew shy, looking away.
"So, would you want to find a partner?" Namjoon asked and suddenly the air felt tense around them, Jin not letting his eyes meet Namjoon's who felt like they were burning into him.

"Yeah of course, maybe one day" Jin told him, finally looking up at the wolf who was staring down at him with a look in his eyes he hadn't seen from anybody in a while. It was a look he'd only seen Minji give him a long time ago and he couldn't lie, he missed being looked at like that. It was admiration. Like he was the only person who mattered in that moment.

He always thought it was him being selfish, wanting someone to look at him like that again, but for years he'd put his friends and kingdom before his own thoughts and feelings. And if this witch really was gonna find them one day, then maybe this moment should be enjoyed whilst it's happening.

"What kind of person are you looking to find?" Namjoon asked and Jin suddenly had goosebumps run over his skin, at first he thought from the cold, but now he began to believe it was Namjoon's deep yet soft voice.
"Just someone I can trust with anything and everything" Jin admitted as he looked at the wolf in the moonlight.
"What about you?" He asked, Namjoon smirking lightly.
"Pretty much the same thing, except maybe somebody who's stronger than me" He spoke, Jin rolling his eyes.
"I'm trying to be deep and you're over here after muscles" Jin sighed playfully, but he was surprised when he saw Namjoon look at him seriously, his hand lifting to cup Jin's cheek.
"I don't mean physically strong" He told him
"I mean somebody who's mentally and emotionally strong, because there are moments where I'm not" He spoke but Jin scoffed.
"You are stronger, you're-"
"You're way stronger" Namjoon told him, his other hand lifting as he was now cupping his face, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"You're the one guiding us through all of this, facing criticism and even though some witch who's threatening to potentially kill us all, you're staying so calm and collected for the sake of everyone else" Namjoon told him
"I just don't want anyone else to be scared like I am" Jin spoke, finally showing his true emotions.
"I am scared Namjoon" He told him
"Don't be, we've got it under control" Namjoon assured him.

At that moment, he stopped where he was, hearing something and it was definitely not from the beach hut. It was somewhere far out to sea as his head snapped to look out into the darkness.

"What?" Jin asked, now on high alert.
"I swear I heard thunder but it was weird" Namjoon spoke
"It just sounded different in a way I couldn't put my finger on" he looked out to the sea and they both suddenly felt an eerie feel as they looked out at the calm water.

"Let's go inside and call it a night" Jin spoke as they agreed, heading back to the beach hut. As they arrived it seemed as though everyone had finally gone to sleep, the two of them crashing on separate ends of the couch.

"I hope you one day find your partner" Namjoon mumbled as he closed his eyes, turning over and falling asleep as Jin smiled, allowing himself to drift off.
'Me too' he thought to himself.

'But maybe I already found them'


I need to update a lot quicker. Oof. College has been so busy man and it takes up so much time.

I've only been back a month and had to go to my tutor because I had a breakdown.

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