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⚠️ It is here. The smut is finally here ⚠️

The night had rolled around as the sun set over the horizon, the last of its light reflecting in the dark sea water which got darker with the night sky.

"So how many rooms are there in this place?" Jungkook asked as they had all managed to just about settle in, Jimin and Taehyung cuddled up on the couch as Jimin had fallen asleep in Taehyung's warm and secure embrace.

"There's three" Jin announced
"Obviously you two will have your own room" Jin spoke to Taehyung as he smirked, kissing the top of the sleeping elf's head.

"Hobi and Yoongi? Can you bunk up together?" He asked, the both of them sharing a glance as they nodded. They were best friends after all, even if occasionally they had their differences, although not so much nowadays.

Once everything died down six years ago, Hoseok and Yoongi settled their differences and it seemed to make them both a lot more comfortable around one another. Hoseok came out of his shell more as the fun and smiley one and Yoongi made the balance perfect with a more calm and blunt approach. They were opposites, but opposites worked in this case.

"Kookie, you've got a room to yourself if you feel safe enough" Jin smiled, but the others frowned.
"Aren't you guys sleeping?" Taehyung directed the question to Namjoon and Jin who glanced at one another.

"We'll crash on the couch when we get back" Namjoon spoke as they both stood up and headed to the door.
"Hold on, where are you going?" Hoseok asked as he stood up to stop them.
"We're heading out to look into Dahyun's disappearance" Namjoon told them
"We need to see if what's happened to you guys and Wonho is connected to her"
"Speaking of which, you promised us answers" Taehyung spoke rather bluntly

"I need the answers myself first" Jin turned around a little frustrated.
"Guys, I know you think that I'm hiding stuff but I'm just trying to figure it out so I can tell you guys" Jin spoke, clearly tired of the criticism he was receiving and it made them feel bad. He was just trying to protect them and they were being pushy.

"Okay, we're sorry" Taehyung apologised
"Be careful and let us know soon" He told the both of them as they nodded before heading out of the door and closing it.

A silence took over as nobody really knew what to do. It felt almost as if they were banned from leaving the house in case there was something waiting outside for them to attack. Especially after that day which nobody asked what Taehyung did to them, but the blood on his shirt kind of gave it away.

"I guess we should sleep" Hoseok shrugged as he stood up.
"You coming Yoongs?" He asked, the smaller nodding as he stood up and the both of them headed to their room.

Jungkook and Taehyung glanced at one another, both sharing a look of fear. Neither really wanted to sleep in case that dream came back, but the tiredness hit Jungkook out of nowhere as he yawned, his eyes feeling heavy.

"I guess I'm gonna have to try and sleep" Jungkook shrugged, standing up.
"Wake me if you have a bad dream and I'll come and keep you company" Taehyung spoke, Jungkook nodding his head as he waved goodnight and headed to his room.

Soon it was just Taehyung with Jimin soundly asleep in his arms. His long fingers ran through Jimin's soft hair, twirling strands around his finger tips and massaging it the way he knows Jimin likes it.

He watched his sleeping face, the way his eyes were shut so peacefully and his lips in a sleepy pout, making them look more plump and voluptuous as he smiled, unable to resist the temptation to kiss them.

He gently planted his lips on the sleeping elf's as it caused him to stir slightly, shifting in spot against Taehyung as he slowly opened his eyes, squinting due to being so tired.

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