Chapter 13

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**I still have bad writer's block so sorry if this chapter reeeeally sucks.**

"Arianna!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around her in a hug. She hugged back, laughing. She finally was let out, and I made her come to the flat. I pulled her in quickly. She told me about how she didn't want to go back to live with her parent's and I offered for her to stay with us. At least for a while. I still hadn't asked Phil or Dan yet though. "Phil! Dan!" I called out. I heard Dan make a weird noise from the living room, "I'm in my browsing position and I don't plan on getting up anytime soon." I laughed. 

"Fine," I yelled back at him. I moved to let Arianna in and closed the door behind her. I led her into the living room, where Dan and Phil sat in their browsing positions. "Hey guys, Arianna's here and she's gonna be staying with us." I said, quickly. Almost instantly, Phil turned his head, looking at us. 

Dan looked over, "So that's the mysterious phone-stealing Arianna?" Arianna laughed, "Yes, and you're Dan, the full-time internet homo." I laughed from beside her. I had told her about that and how instead of saying hobo, he once said homo. Dan laughed, "Really? Really, you told her about that?" Dan looked at me and I nodded. "Not just told her. I even showed her the video." Dan covered his face with one of his hands, looking embarrassed because of the remembrance of his fail. Phil laughed, "There are lots more of embarrassing things she probably told her about." Arianna and I both nodded. "Oh no." Dan muttered.

Arianna put her stuff in my room, though she was sleeping on the couch. At least for now, she was. "So, has anything happened between you and Dan yet?" Arianna looked at me, smirking. I quickly looked away, trying to avoid the red blush appearing on my cheeks. "Actually, yes." I admitted, ready for her freak out. "Really? What happened?!" Her smile was so wide, it could probably be seen from miles and miles away. "Oh, Dan just told me that he likes me the same way I like him and we kind of kissed. It doesn't really matter," I said, already knowing her reaction. "It doesn't matter?! Oh the hell it doesn't- Hold on.." She walked out of the room and I heard her yell Dan's full name. This can not go well. 

"What- uh?" Arianna pushed Dan into the room and closed the door behind her. Dan turned, looking at her. She smirked and stood in front of the door, not letting him out. Dan glanced back at me and I shrugged. Arianna crossed her arms. "I told her about the whole me and you thing," I admitted. Dan looked at me and then back at Arianna. "And you're not gonna let me out until-" Arianna cut him off, "Until you grow a pair and make the first move." I laughed under my breath. "Arianna, we talked about this, nothing is gonna happen between us-" I was cut off by Dan kissing me. He pulled away and looked at Arianna, smirking. "That make you happy?"

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