Chapter 7

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I was drifting in and out of sleep when I felt someone sit on my bed. I quickly sat up, looking around until I saw Dan sitting on the bed. 

"What are you doing in here? I thought you were locked out," I said. "Well, I couldn't sleep and my keys, somehow, magically slid under the door," he answered. "Phillip," I growled out. Dan laughed under his breath. 

"Well, get out," I said, trying to push Dan off the bed. "Nope. I'm going to talk to you. Right here, right now," Dan announced, scooting closer to me. I groaned, "Fine." I reached over and switched the light on.  "She kissed me, okay? I definitely do not like her like that," Dan tried explaining, but jumbled up his words a few times. "Then why weren't you pushing her away, huh?" I questioned. "I was shocked. I didn't know what to do," Dan admitted. I looked away. 

"I don't want to talk about this," I mumbled. Dan sighed, "Fine, but I probably won't get sleep until you forgive me," Dan said, trying to convince me to forgive him. "Okay, good luck with that," I said, lying down and turning away from him. I brought the blanket up to my chin, burying myself in them. I heard Dan sigh and felt him get off my bed. I hadn't closed my eyes yet. I saw the light go off and heard the door close a few seconds later. I then sat up and looked over at the door where Dan still stood, "Damn, you're determined."

"Phillip..." I growled out, glaring at him as he walked into the living room. Dan laughed from beside me. "I didn't do anything!" Phil said, raising his hands in surrender. "You let him in!" I replied, pointing at Dan. "Aha, thanks, Phil," Dan said from beside me, smirking. 

"Oh, shut up, mister," I said, lightly slapping the back of his head. "I'm still mad at you," I looked at Dan, glaring and crossing my arms over my chest. "No, you love me," Dan said with a big smile spread across his face. His hair was curly in what he called 'hobbit hair'. He thought it was the ugliest thing ever, but to be honest, I thought it was pretty adorable. Not saying Dan is adorable because I totally don't think that. 

"Dan! What do you want for dinner?" Phil yelled from the kitchen. Dan and I were both in our browsing positions. Browsing positions are what we call sitting on the couch (no particular way) with your laptop, searching the internet. I still hadn't fully forgiven Dan. 

"Mexican!" Dan yelled. I laughed under my breath. "I'll get out the sombreros," I announced. "Fajitas it is!" Phil announced. I quickly got up and went to Dan's room, searching his room for his sombrero. We all had sombreros because Phil wanted to film a 'Mexican' themed video and we went to buy one for each of us. I opened Dan's wardrobe and saw the large hat sitting on the top shelf. I grabbed it and spotted a small black journal at the bottom of the wardrobe. I know I shouldn't be looking through his stuff, but I was curious- and I so did not see Dan as the type of guy to have a journal. I sat the hat down on his bed and grabbed the journal. I opened it to the page that was latest written on. It said:

I don't know. I shouldn't feel that way about her. I don't want to hurt her and I don't want to ruin any friendship we have. Besides, Phil-

It stops there. Who was he talking about? Why was he mentioning Phil? Why did it end there? I shrugged to myself, choosing to not think about it any further. I quickly placed the journal back where it came from. I grabbed the sombrero from the bed and walked out, going to mine and Phil's room to get ours. After retrieving our hats, I went back to the living room where Dan still sat in his browsing position. I threw Dan's sombrero to him and put mine on, still holding Phil's. I walked into the kitchen and put Phil's hat on his head as he continued cooking. "We are festive!" Phil laughed as the words erupted from his mouth. I nodded, laughing.

Dan was stuffing the food in his mouth like I have never seen. Then, there was me, who sat there with the plate in my hand, moving the food around the plate with my fork. I didn't want to eat, but Dan and Phil would force me. I sat the plate down the coffee table and sighed. Phil was looking over at me. Dan's plate was already empty and I hadn't even took a bite of mine. 

"Megan.." Phil started. "I know, I know. I'll eat it..." I assured him. Phil was watching me, worriedly. "You know, I can have something later," I started, standing up quickly and feeling dizzy. Phil pulled me back down. I closed my eyes, attempting to make the dizziness die down. 

"Are you okay?" I heard from Dan, and I nodded, opening my eyes back up. "Just got a little dizzy.." I told them before looking at Phil. "Can I at least go to the bathroom?" I asked him, making him furrow his brows in thought. He sighed after a few seconds, letting go of my arm that he had still been holding onto. 

"Only if you promise you're not going to do anything to yourself," he declared. I sighed, "I promise. Okay?" He nodded, and I got up from my seat. I felt the dizziness come back as I started walking out of the room. It got worse as I walked to the bathroom. I stopped, putting my hand on the wall and taking a deep breath. It didn't help. It felt worse. Suddenly my legs gave out underneath me and my vision went black.

It only took about a minute or so for me to wake back up, I think, but Phil was already kneeling down beside me with Dan standing not too far away. "Megan? Are you okay?" He questioned and I nodded weakly. "Just blacked out for a second. It's fine," I mumbled as I sat up. Phil got up, holding his hand out to help me up. I took it, getting up with his help. "I don't think blacking out is fine," Dan mentioned. 

"It was probably just a little one time thing."

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