Chapter 6

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I had been let out of that horrid hospital, and after eating way too much to please them, I needed to get rid of it. "I'm going to the gym!" I announced. They thought that one of them always had to go with me. It wasn't gonna work well when I had to go back to uni. 

"I'm coming," Dan said, walking into the living room. I rolled my eyes and opened the front door, leaving him behind. "Wow, the guy that doesn't even know what a gym is followed me to the gym," I joked. He always sets his New Year's resolution as 'go to the gym' and he always fails. "Oh, shut up," He laughed. 

We got to the gym and I instantly spotted Jenna Kale, the girl who hated me most at uni. "Oh no," I mumbled as she spotted me. She shined her famous evil grin at me. I smiled at her, giving her my own evil look. He seemed to not like that. I took Dan's hand, knowing that she had a crush on him while he was in our uni class. She glared at me. I walked across the room, leading Dan that way. When she couldn't see us, I let go of his hand. "Sorry about that," I said, my British accent really becoming really noticeable. He was looking at me for an explanation. I pointed at Jenna, "She hates me and she kind of has a crush on you." Dan raised an eyebrow, "Really?" I rolled my eyes at him. 

I had been running on the treadmill for a while. Dan stood there, looking at his phone. "Hey, I'm gonna go get a drink, okay?" Dan said, putting his phone in his pocket. I nodded. Dan walked off, towards the room with the vending machines. After a few minutes of Dan not being back, I decided that I ran enough for the day and stopped the treadmill, stepping off. I walked to the vending area, where I found Jenna and Dan. If they were just talking, I don't think I would be so mad, but they weren't just talking. They were kissing. 

I walked out of the gym. Dan didn't notice me when I saw them kiss and I quickly left afterwards. Dan was still in the building. I walked back to the flat. The door wasn't locked because Phil was still at there. I walked in and Phil was sitting on the couch. 

"Where's Dan?" He asked, giving me a confused look. I didn't answer him. I just looked at him with tear filled eyes. I don't know why I felt so bad about this. It's Dan. I shouldn't care that much, but it just hurt my heart. Phil got up and walked over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I sobbed into his shoulder. I heard the door handle move behind me and quickly, I pulled away from the hug and pushed the door closed, locking it. 

"Why don't you go continue to suck Jenna Kale's face off?" I yelled through the door. "Megan, open the door," Dan said. I looked at Phil and I gave him an evil smirk. Phil laughed lightly as I went to Dan's room, grabbing the duvet and pillows off his bed. Phil opened the door for me and before Dan could get in, I shoved the mess of blankets and pillows in his face. "Have fun!" I said as I shut the door in his face. "Okay, now explain," Phil demanded.

[Edit from 2017: The way this story is going you're gonna see a lot of these edits. Megan Brooke... why did you write such angsty, sad stuff? Am I allowed to just delete myself from existence at this point?]

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