Chapter Eleven

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You pull up to David's house, parking your car in his driveway. You look in your rear view mirror, wiping off the smudged mascara under your eyes. You get out of your car and make your way up the steps to David's front door. Your body starts to shiver from the cold as you knock on his door. In a few moments, the door opens, revealing David behind it.

"Y/N?" He says, "What are you doing here?" Your control over the tears crumbles immediately.

"Scott uploaded a... a video about us and... and my... my boss--" you can't even finish the sentence before you are sobbing again. David grabs one of his jackets hanging nearby.

"Oh, Y/N, come inside, come inside," David says, wrapping the jacket around you and pulling you inside. You follow him, sitting next to him on the couch. You take a few deep breaths, trying to slow your heart rate. David gently reaches forward and wipes the tears away from your eyes. "Now, what were you saying?" David asks, once you've calmed down.

"Scott uploaded a... video today on his channel about us, saying that we were in a secret relationship, and... and..." You say, your voice cracking at the end.

"Oh, my God, Y/N, I'm so sorry," David says, wrapping both his arms around you, rubbing your back. You don't say anything, just sob into your hands. "I can't believe he would do that," David repeats. You slowly pull away, looking at David through blurry vision.

"It's not your fault," You say. David smiles sadly, resting his hand on top of yours on your leg. You look at your hands, then back at David, glancing at his lips for a moment. You slowly lean in towards David, as he leans towards you, too. Your lips collide in a soft, comforting kiss. Your hand glides up David's arm, then around to the back of his head, pulling him closer to you. David slides closer to you on the couch, his hand resting on your thigh.

The kiss gets heated as you pull David's body closer to yours by his shirt. David leans more into the kiss as you lean back, allowing him on top of you. You realize you need to use the restroom and freshen up, so you place your hand on David's chest and push him away gently while pulling back.

"What, what is it?" David whispers.

"I just need to use the bathroom real quick," You reply.

"Alright, uh, you know where it is." David climbs off of you and relaxes on the couch. You roll off the couch and make your way into the bathroom.

You pull out your phone, seeing it blowing up with messages from Scott. You roll your eyes and open the messages.

"Y/N, I know you hate me right now, but please just look at this video"

"It proves I didn't upload the video"

--attachment 420--

"Please Y/N, look,"

You're not gonna look.

You set your phone on the counter and use the toilet. When you're done, you touch up your hair and lip gloss, making sure you look cute.

You look at the video.

In the video, Scott had accidentally left his camera recording and sitting on his desk. Scott is talking to David; neither are aware of the camera.

"How are things with Y/N?" David asks. Scott is cleaning up his room.

"Uh, pretty good, I'd say. I mean, she's coming over tomorrow night, so I think I'm gonna make my real move then," Scott turns towards David.

"Oh, really?" David says, "What makes you think she feels the same way?"

"Well, for starters, she told me yesterday that she feels the same as I do, so I think that's a pretty good indicator,"

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